by ROBERTMAVIN » Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:08 pm
Rules are fairly simple.
During the season, you will be limited to your 40 man overall roster. If you want to pull guys up to replace injured players, send guys up and down for whatever reason, go for it. But once the season starts, its limited to the players you own and a 25 player active roster.
The plan is to play 2 seasons per year
We would reconvene in October for a 3 round FA draft. The advantage here is that, knowing how your team did in the first season, and with a good idea of how your players looked in real-life 2005, you have all kinds of ways to tinker.
A prospective schedule looks like this:
Play first season. All active rosters are 25 man only, but you can use any of your roster at any time.
July-September- dead period, except for trading, which is allowed at any time. We can all move on to our other pursuits, strato or otherwise.
October or November- 3 round optional FA draft, based on the standing from the first league. Any drops must be declared before the draft, and any player dropped goes into the FA pool. You can use 1, 2, 3, or none of your picks in this draft. After this draft is complete, no FA moves of any kind until the preseason draft for season 2.
You can drop a max of 15 players for the pending spring draft. You must drop at least 10..
Stadiums selection will be reviewed in year 3 of the league if memory serves.