by visick » Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:39 am
I'm not a Red Sox fan, but I'd just like to chime in.
There were a few guys who could have won the award IMHO. Pedroia, Youkilis, Morneau and Quentin.
If Quentin doesn't get hurt, he's your winner.
If Morneau is playing in a bigger market, he would have won it. (After Quentin goes down).
Flip a coin between Youk and Pedroia, there's your winner.
Youkilis deserves it because he had his best year/filled in for Lowell
Pedroia deserves it because of his best year/filled in @ the cleanup spot AND was a catalyst pretty much ALL year.
I have no problem with this pick.
As for Utley, being a Mets fan, I've seen my fair share of games with him. While he may not be the quickest guy out there, he does position himself very well. I wouldn't necessarily call him a 1, but I have no problem with Chase being a 2 this year.
FWIW- In ATG, I questioned Lou Boudreau's 1 status. He's a sloth on the basepaths, so it's kinda hard to imagine a slug as a 1, especially @ a critical defensive position as SS. From what I've read about him, he knew the hitters well, and was able to position himself well to give himself a good chance at alot of balls.
My 2 pennies,