by Jablowmi » Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:09 am
Texas was 874 at night and Washington was 518, which would make it:
1. Moodywoody-NY 057
2. TRich-OH 097
3. bjs73-IN 275
4. Outta LF-PA 299
5. Jablowmi-FL 351
6. Panzer Ace-CA 443
7. FletchGriswold-WA 518
8. IMB-Quebec 594
9. Seanreflex-NH 622
10. Penngray-ONT 693
11. Sykes-NJ 731
12. abnerdoubleday-TX 874
Which would make the divisions:
1. Moodywoody
2. Panzer Ace
7. FletchGriswold
12. abnerdoubleday
2. TRich
5. Jablowmi
8. IMB
11. Sykes
3. bjs73
4. Outta LF
9. Seanreflex
10. penngray
(East = 1,6,7,12; Central = 2,5,8,11; West = 3,4,9,10)
Someone in the East, pls start loading .............