70s/80s Players' Championship, Year 2 (ROUND 4 - look NOW)

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Postby ebbets1957 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:14 am

Please do not take this the wrong way, as I am not trying to be disrespectful, but we have been waiting each day for the past three days like those of us in league 3 for this guy to join.

Most leagues have all filled and most of you have now had a day, two, or more to make trades, makes moves, etc. Most are also not in the situation like several of us who may be out of town or unavailable this weekend for any waiver drafts.

Now, some of us are directly effected (and I mean that our abilty to be competive -- we do try to win these things) because we have less time to deal and can't be there for live waivers.

Not to mention the fact the this owner now has lied to multiple owners in the league about when he would get his team in, and here were are now on Thursday morning, and it still is not. I do not know what his circiumstances are, but like Echo says, when you join these type of things, you make a commitment to be prompt.

Sorry, if it seems like we are over-reacting, but I am with Echo.
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Postby echo22 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:24 am

[quote:8ef4157346="LMBombers"]Relax echo, As long as Dan enters his team by Friday night all leagues will start on the same day. The other leagues will not be any further along than your league.[/quote:8ef4157346]

Sorry LM I'm not going to relax. And I'm far from the only owner who has chimed in here, over half of our league has and I'm sure a few silent ones feel the same.

1) Several people have already stated they will be gone this weekend. That puts them at a disadvantage.

2) All of the other teams will have gone through waivers by today, or earlier, yet we have not even drafted.

3) The lack of deadline resulted in no alternates even though we had 4 eager to jump in. This happened last year as well. People need to know they WILL be replaced if they don't meet certain deadlines. It's only fair to those that DO check in. I bet if you go back to that thread last year you will find several managers pretty upset about waiting on a few wayward managers. And many are not here this time because of it. Is it better to have someone like Idanred or responsible, timely managers that actually care about others?

4) Idanred PM'd myself and another manager after we had wasted our time trying to track him down. He said he would enter last night. He didn't. We took him for his word and guess what, he didn't enter his team. No Dan and no replacement because we didn't have a deadline. It's not our responsibilty to track Dan down, nor can we enter his team.

5) Lastly it's downright rude to keep others hanging like this. Everybody keeps checking in and checking in and checking in and no Dan. It gets tiresome. And you want to give this guy a break? Let him continue to round 2 where he will likely pull this crap again? Someone has already stated he takes his own sweet time. I for one am not looking forward to being in another league with him.

I'm disappointed in Dan. He PM'd me and another manager. We took his word. His word means nothing. I would much rather have one of the four alternates, at least they seemed eager to play this game. Instead we wait. And wait. And wait. I'm tired of waiting on Dan. He's held everybody hostage in #3. I almost want to pull my team out in protest. It's just not fair to those of us who are responsible.
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Postby echo22 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:34 am

Well I just perused the Barnstormers threads from last year. Guess who pulled this stunt last year? Yes Idanred.

Is that enough for you guys? Please get someone else.
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Postby ebbets1957 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:52 am


We need to get this resolved one way or another today. Either we need to find a replacement for Dan or he JUST needs to join. I am not willing to go through another night waiting and doing nothing. Please help us fix this.....and if this same guy did this last year in another one of these, I do not think I WOULD EVER let tham in one again.....sorry.
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Postby echo22 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:55 am

Last year Idanred ditched his team after the live draft. He left 11 other owners hanging and another manager had to take over his drafted team. This guy has a poor track record and obviously doesn't care. And you want us to wait on him? Give me a break. Below are excerpts from one of the threads.


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Report abuse | Block 18 Feb 2008 15:10

ldanred is a top 100 overall manager, I find it hard to believe he would draft his team and then just ditch it. I think we need to eep trying to reach him.


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Report abuse | Block 18 Feb 2008 16:32

I find it hard to believe too, Hak. it is really inexplicable. I don't understand how could he not know that we were about to load teams when he didn't use a proxy for his 16th round pick? He hasn't been completely absent.. i saw him post messages on another forum after we sent him league pw. If in the event he never received a pm, wouldn't you expect someone to have checked in by now, since the draft ended 5 days ago?

I appreciate the fact that people are and get busy, but at least drop a line on the forum and explain that you will be delayed. Bottom line is that we need to get moving on this draft. 11 other managers are here and we cant continue to send him signed invitations to load up.

just my thoughts [/i:7fb67228cf]
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Postby Jablowmi » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:02 pm

I understand your frustration and, personally, I'm glad I'm not in that league (although, then I wouldn't be stuck with one of my two weak teams). I also agree with all of your points re: the commitment made when you sign up. As I said in the initial thread(s), "remember, there is a 4 season commitment. If you can't do it, please don't signup."

That said, we're in somewhat of a tough situation b/c he did join one league and already has a team in the tourney. We can replace him with someone willing to take - essentially - a non-tourney slot. If someone is willing to take that slot and can load tonight, I'll give it to at 5:00 ET if Idanred hasn't joined.
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Postby echo22 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:36 pm

[quote:3bf8ad5d66="Jablowmi"]I understand your frustration and, personally, I'm glad I'm not in that league (although, then I wouldn't be stuck with one of my two weak teams). I also agree with all of your points re: the commitment made when you sign up. As I said in the initial thread(s), "remember, there is a 4 season commitment. If you can't do it, please don't signup."

That said, we're in somewhat of a tough situation b/c he did join one league and already has a team in the tourney. We can replace him with someone willing to take - essentially - a non-tourney slot. If someone is willing to take that slot and can load tonight, I'll give it to at 5:00 ET if Idanred hasn't joined.[/quote:3bf8ad5d66]

Could we not come up with a creative alternative? Perhaps allow the replacement manager to double up his points for his 80s wins so he can continue with a fighting chance in Rds 3 and 4? Or perhaps add on Idanred's points from his 70's team? Last year I had no shot as a replacement, which was fine, but I think it would be okay to allow someone a fighting chance if they replace Idanred as long as the commit to rounds 3 and 4.

After seeing he did this last year as well is it really fair to the rest of us that he holds players hostage again this year? Chances are even if he does miraculously show up that he finds a way to screw up rds 3 and 4. We should be done with Dan. Anything less is unnacceptable. He has proven he doesn't deserve to play in this tourney. Other managers are fed up, many of us (myself included) had commitments this weekend and are now at a disadvantage. A lot of us are so mad at Dan we don't want to see him in our league now. By waiting on Dan you are now risking losing other managers for Rds 3 & 4. Is that worth having the unreliable Dan in this tournament?
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Postby Jablowmi » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:44 pm

I understand, echo, but he's in an existing league right now. Re: the replacement, I'd rather not have someone have a lucky season, double his/her points and get into the final 12. Idanred is in until 5:00, unless we can't find a replacement. The replacement can play in this round and, if he/she wants, in the remaining rounds. Otherwise, we'll get single replacements for each league.

If Idanred posts, smack him around in your league.
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Postby chess2899 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:20 pm

I say let him have a chance. We really don't know if something personal and tragic came up. Playing Stratomatic is really irrelevant when it comes to health or family. We should give him at least Thursday and maybe he'll post. Dan is in the West with me, and being The Dark Horse, he has no chance for the division. He could still get the wild card, so he does have some hope. Let us hope that all is well with him and that we will see him sign in tonight. Has anyone tried to contact him in his 70s league?

I don't think that we would have any problem getting a replacement. At the worst, one of the alternates is my nephew "generationm1". He could sign up and I would enjoy beating a cocky teenager's butt.

Let us be patient for one more day.
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Postby echo22 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:22 pm

We shouldn't wait until 5PM for Idanred to check in. We should be looking for a replacement now. They will need the password. Someone will have to be here to ensure they get it. Honestly I have spent way too much time setting up a league, making sure everyone has the password, doing updates and trying to track down Idanred. The odds of us getting this filled tonight if we wait until 5PM goes down considerably. If this drags out one more day don't be surprised if people start pulling teams out of #3 which means you might need more than one replacement. He's already inconvenienced 11 managers. Look at the above posts, not just mine. People will be out of town. People have other commitments. People are fed up. All because of Idanred.
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