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Change we really need to believe in!

Postby Semper Gumby » Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:08 pm

Six (6) games into the season (for the stats jocks Rod Carew leads the league with 28 plate appearances) and the league is experiencing brisk roster turbulence despite the lack of significant # of injuries.

Besides Leon Durham's injury revealing a bad year card, the others are victims of poor starts.

Of course, recycling players has begun too

[b:4a7caa9730]OLD BOSS[/b:4a7caa9730]
Harold Reynolds
Butch Wynegar
Willie Wilson
Mike Scioscia
Leon Durham (injured)
Reggie Jackson
Vince Coleman

[b:4a7caa9730]NEW BOSS[/b:4a7caa9730]
Neal Heaton
Pete Rose (playing 2b?) :shock:
Lance Parrish
Reggie Jackson (born again)
Bob Boone
Rick Camp (born again)
Willie Upshaw (replaces a broken Leon)
Harold Baines
Kevin Seitzer
Semper Gumby
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Postby rufustsinclairjr » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:45 am

keep it coming semper
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The Night of the Shutouts

Postby Semper Gumby » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:06 pm

Good pitching stopped good hitting last night with several starters going the distance while putting up a few large ZEROs on the board.

[b:9147501cd7][i:9147501cd7]Eric Show (DST) shuts out Devil, 9-0
Joaquin Andujar (JAR) shuts out A's, 5-0
Jose DeLeon (THE) shuts out Beavers XVII, 4-0
Rick Reuschel (THE) shuts out Beavers XVII, 7-0 [/i:9147501cd7][/b:9147501cd7]

And, as expected the owners responded in kind with issuing pink slips to quite a few batters (still most without any injury)

[list:9147501cd7][b:9147501cd7]OLD BOSS[/b:9147501cd7]
Dave Henderson
Lee Guetterman
Gary Lucas
Terry Leach (my contribution to the mess)
Willie Fraser (dropped only to be hired)
Bob Boone (I thought he just got hired too)
Billy Ripken (Cal is still employed though)
Tim Teuful (I thought he just got hired too)
Jim Morrison (and, I always liked the Doors too)

[b:9147501cd7]NEW BOSS[/b:9147501cd7]
Mike "Human Rain Delay" Hargrove
Willie Fraser (actually hired and dropped and hired in the same day)
Willie Fraser (I didn't stutter - I hired him and dropped him for Lucas)
Gary Lucas (not a stellar stat showing so far but what the heck)
Edwin Nunez
Rich Gedman
Carmen Castillo (no not Carmen Electra!)
Al Oliver[/list:u:9147501cd7]

The teams are revisiting divisional foes on the back nine so expect to see a few high end players to hit the free agent list by Sunday. :D
Semper Gumby
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Slow Day on the Free Agent Market

Postby Semper Gumby » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:34 pm

Today, the owners didn't seek to short the free agent market and stayed with the fundamentals holding their positions despite the less than favorable statistics.

Let us review the dead and shakers:

[list:a460ab2dcb][b:a460ab2dcb]OLD BOSS[/b:a460ab2dcb]
Pete Rose (used for two series - went gang busters / then broke)
Bruce Kison (Bad outing outed him)
Ernie Whitt
Ken Phelps
Kent Hrbek (injured but still dropped) :wink:

[b:a460ab2dcb]NEW BOSS[/b:a460ab2dcb]
Tom Hume
Terry Kennedy
Kent Hrbek (you got one of his decent blue collar cards)
Alvin Davis
Billy Ripken (he's back)
Jim Morrison (he's back too)
Luis Salazar[/list:u:a460ab2dcb]
Semper Gumby
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Performing (12 games)

Postby Semper Gumby » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:42 pm

Looking for better dice rolls (just using OPS):

[list:24369ae975]Mike Schmidt (.641)
D Murphy (.371)
Dawson (.684)
Trammel (.664)
Canseco (.656)
Singleton (.686)
Jackson (.622)
Tartabull (.377)

Quite a few others sitting in the .700 - .750 range
Semper Gumby
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Saturday Morning Romp-a-Drop

Postby Semper Gumby » Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:03 pm

Fifteen (15) games into the season and we had a really solid day of shooting the underperforming players - :shock:

I can't wait for Game 39

[list:ffd552f6ec][b:ffd552f6ec]OLD BOSS[/b:ffd552f6ec]

Calderon, Ivan
Cruz, Julio
Cox, Danny
Sheets, Larry
Roberts, Leon
Atherton, Keith
Martinez, Tippy
Hrbek, Kent (second drop in less than two series)
Hume, Tom
Jackson, Reggie (second drop in less than two series)
Barfield, Jesse
Kingman, Dave
Oquendo, Jose
Dilone, Miguel
Power, Ted
Valenzuela, Fernando :cry:
DeCinces, Doug
Davis, Glenn
Bosio, Chris :cry:
Krukow, Mike
Fletcher, Scott
Leibrandt, Charlie[/list:u:ffd552f6ec]

[list:ffd552f6ec][b:ffd552f6ec]NEW BOSS[/b:ffd552f6ec]

Hrbek, Kent (will he last here?)
Presley, Jim
Honeycutt, Rick
Wockenfuss, John
Reed, Jerry
Aase, Don
Downing, Brian
Davis, Mark
Bradley, Phil
Kruk, John (Mike Hargove now John?)
Trillo, Manny
Young, Gerald
Sutcliffe, Rick
Gaetti, Gary
Luzinski, Greg
Key, Jimmy
Petry, Dan
Johnson, John Henry[/list:u:ffd552f6ec]
Semper Gumby
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Super Sunday Doesn't Stop Quick Draw McGraw

Postby Semper Gumby » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:23 am

The teams completed 18 holes through the division and now ready for the interleague onslaught.

After 18 games, several trends emerged that should get tested over the next six (6) series of games.

One noted trend:

League hitting (avg):

BA: .270
SLG: .465
OPB: .338

League pitching (avg):

ERA: [b:19c21d59b8]4.86[/b:19c21d59b8]
WHIP: [b:19c21d59b8]1.45 [/b:19c21d59b8] :shock:

Yet, the majority of free agent acquiring teams appear focused on getting hitting on track.

[list:19c21d59b8][b:19c21d59b8]OLD BOSS[/b:19c21d59b8]

Forsch, Ken
Hershiser, Orel (8.21 / 1.94) [could his card be that bad?]
LeFlore, Ron
James, Bob
Schmidt, Dave
Quisenberry, Dan :?
Barker, Len
Grich, Bobby
Remy, Jerry
Robinson, Jeff D.
McRae, Hal
Henke, Tom
Canseco, Jose (didn't stay on the bargain rack long)
McGee, Willie
Davis, Alvin

[b:19c21d59b8]NEW BOSS[/b:19c21d59b8]

Schiraldi, Calvin
Welch, Bob
Heep, Danny
Jackson, Bo
Bosio, Chris (second go)
Valenzuela, Fernando (second go)
Duncan, Mariano
Law, Vance
Leach, Terry
Canseco, Jose
Agosto, Juan
Cedeno, Cesar
Lowenstein, John
Mumphrey, Jerry
Baker, Dusty [/list:u:19c21d59b8]

And, I'm thinking [b:19c21d59b8]HUMM BABY [/b:19c21d59b8]is the luckiest team in the league :D
Semper Gumby
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I Can't Explain

Postby Semper Gumby » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:32 pm

The Who would love this league

[list:2fec6e123e][b:2fec6e123e]OLD BOSS[/b:2fec6e123e]

LaPoint, Dave
Nunez, Edwin
Scurry, Rod
Minton, Greg
LaValliere, Mike
Rogers, Steve
Flynn, Doug
Anderson, Allan
Schiraldi, Calvin
Sutcliffe, Rick

[b:2fec6e123e]NEW BOSS[/b:2fec6e123e]

McWilliams, Larry
Righetti, Dave
Sisk, Doug
Gott, Jim
Melvin, Bob
Gubicza, Mark
Belliard, Rafael
Lynch, Ed
Witt, Mike
Schatzeder, Dan[/list:u:2fec6e123e]

And, several of the high priced re-hires had strong showings for their new teams

Semper Gumby
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Getting in Tune?

Postby Semper Gumby » Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:53 pm

[quote:57aa6c58fa]I'm singing this note 'cause it fits in well
With the chords I'm playing
I can't pretend there's any meaning here
Or in the things I'm saying[/quote:57aa6c58fa]

Another tricky day in the league with a below average day of adds and drops.

Perhaps most are settled with their band members for the next few gigs but only time will tell

We've seen some players have a "second act" with success. And, some others are better left alone.

And, no team has been a better miner of the free agent market than the [b:57aa6c58fa]Dallas Bruisers[/b:57aa6c58fa] - we'll be keen to keep an :wink: on this team has he found several nice cards post season's start.

Even found a few gifts from the recycle pile too. I'm wondering how long his pitching staff can keep the doors shut so his hitters can pile on the runs.

I'm liking [b:57aa6c58fa]Bruiser[/b:57aa6c58fa] and [b:57aa6c58fa]Humm[/b:57aa6c58fa]

Note to the [b:57aa6c58fa]Oakland As [/b:57aa6c58fa]... Tony Tony Tony
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Postby Semper Gumby » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:14 pm

After receiving a note from one of the team owners, I got to thinking - [b:2c4dafc7c7]why are these owners quick to drop a card without the hint of an injury or some other unique event[/b:2c4dafc7c7]

Perhaps it is the thrill of finding that [b:2c4dafc7c7]bargain[/b:2c4dafc7c7] among the trash heep of free agents -

[quote:2c4dafc7c7]I'd pay any price just to win you
Surrender my good life for bad
To find you I'm gonna drown an unsung man[/quote:2c4dafc7c7]

Maybe a false positive in the BB/K or Double/Triple ratios.

I don't know - but the last two days saw these players hit the garbage

Hernandez, Willie
Bell, George
Tartabull (injured reveals worst season)
Fernandez, Tony (injured reveals worst season)
Tudor, John[/list:u:2c4dafc7c7]

Of course, [b:2c4dafc7c7]Bobby Bonilla[/b:2c4dafc7c7] pulled his hammy last night and revealed his worse card yet he is hitting over .300 and is one of the league leaders in several categories.

Go figure

Semper Gumby
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