by JohnnyBlazers » Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:44 am
Jesus, I like fantasy sports and particularly enjoy SOM but some of these guys posts are ridiculous. Mow the lawn, work some O/T, play with the kids-you'll live a day or two without strat. These things happen from time to time. Servers upgrades can be tricky and there are always kinks to be worked out. Bernie, I hope you went home and got some well deserved sleep-I know I would. I think it is also misplaced to compare multi-million dollar companies doing a server upgrade (companies that do really important things like create jobs, cover health insurance premiums, pay salaries) to a FANTASY GAME that does an upgrade. It just isn't as important in the scheme of things and accordingly, it seems, TSN probably didn't budget as much resources as necessary. More than likely TSN needs to buy additional servers to support the new upgrades?? (happens all the time) SOM/TSN has a great product on the market so you guys need to relax. I like that 6 games are being played. All this whining about making changes, is not that relevant. When you consider that you never know what rolls you are going to get, or what decisions HAL is going to make, tweaking your settings seems to like a minimal impact. The facade is there that we are making some "managerial decisions", but we really don;t know-do we? "Theres a sucker born every minute" and I suspect we all fall into that category to a certain degree - this is why it's called FANTASY, you know, like make believe?