I must have struck a nerve with TSN on the old boards...

Postby nevdully's » Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:42 am

Moose said it best.

[quote:742874c980]1 step forward, 2 steps back. [/quote:742874c980]
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Postby harry lime » Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:54 am

Fair enough Moose. See--those are things I never use. If there's no private messaging either, that kind of sucks. But it does seem like they are listening.

I agree that the way they changed the boards left a lot to be desired. It was ridiculous having the 2 boards. But overall the boards seem fine. I could care less about many of the bells and whistles. I just want it to be fast and always up and running.

Hopefully they'l take your gripes into consideration. You certainly deserve to be heard on these things.
harry lime
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Re: Just curious

Postby MidTennHitman » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:18 pm

[quote:0f315f339f="harry lime"]I'm not trying to be a TSN apologist here or anything. But, can someone please explain to me what is so horrible about these boards?

Seems there were a ton of complaints about the old boards being slow and being down. They got us new boards-- they seem to work. They seem maybe a little bulkier, but that's probably partly due to them being unfamiliar. And they seem to bve going through some growing pains- which is reasonable. But they do seem willing to listen and fix what is wrong.

Sorry- I guess I just don't see the big deal.

Maybe someone can tell me what I'm supposed to be all worked up about. :?: :P :?[/quote:0f315f339f]

Yeah, no "find" research tool to see how the players did in certain situations before we use them
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I do not apologize

Postby rosenthm » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:28 pm

for being a bit sarcastic on occasion. I can't resist adding my 2 cents here..after reading a few of the previous posts.

First, with all due respect, Treyomo..I really disagree with your statement: "But screaming about TSN not caring about the customers is inaccurate in this case..."

I do not see redesigning the message boards as an indicator of responsive customer service on the part of TSN-SOM. Customer service requires that there be a reciprocal relationship between customer and server. The leadership at TSN-SOM puts relationship with the customer very low on the priority list. Good customer service would have involved making the boards better and not just different. Customer service (CS) would have meant communication with the paying customer base in preparing a seamless transition to the new boards. CS would have meant including the popular search and email functions before the transitoin instead of after.

My gripe is not so much with the new boards. I do miss the search function.....but we do have more emoticons. :lol:

My gripe has not changed. The people who are responsible for customer care, don't care about the customers. I'm not sure what they care about, but it's not us. They don't give a r :evil: t's :x ss if we like the new boards or don't like them. They are providing a service and we should be grateful and thrilled that they provide the service. If we don't like it we can go away. The way that TSN-SOM went about making the switch was totally consistent with their regular operation. Who cares if the paying customers (PC) have access to the old boards? Who cares if the PC's know how to use the new boards? Who cares if the PC's may have been right in the middle of a live draft when the change was "suddenly" made? Marie Antoinette said it best. "Let them eat cake!" (Let them have emoticons!)
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Postby MidTennHitman » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:35 pm

Emoticons pretty much suck no matter how many you have...it pales when stacked up against the loss of a valuable research tool such as access to the past years of people posting their former teams and opinions of how Player X performed in certain ballparks

A "find" or "search" linked to the old boards is simply a [b:775d5512f1]must[/b:775d5512f1] or I'll just have to do the Netplay thing without purchasing additional TSN team
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CS / TSN, don't dare say them in the same sentence

Postby mighty moose » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:19 pm

Rosenthm was right on the money. They have never really cared about us. They have [b:67daa3f174]ALWAYS[/b:67daa3f174] shown a tendancy to push right on and do what they want to do. Asking our opinion on the latest kind of game we wanted, and then going right on out there and releasing the 80's game mystery card when it clearly wasn't leading our little voting favorite concept is one example. They ask us just to say they did, and then go right on and do something else. - The customer service link from within the game is a joke, I [b:67daa3f174]NEVER[/b:67daa3f174] get an answer from trying that. The only way to get attention is a direct e-mail to Bernie or Larry, or even straight to Barmack. Their only recent example of actually trying to do the right thing was incorporating beta testers, MOSTLY for the salary and pricing structure. This showed that they don't have a clue on statistical odds of a strat card in relation to it's price. Look at all the bargains in ATG1 and the ability to utilize that to great advantage.

But even there, they didn't listen to us on several items. I have never seen someone (Bernie) be so stubborn as to completely dismiss several items that all of the testers felt were so urgently needed instead.

I personally had an e-mail conversation with Larry that said they would put the right fixes in place so that we would NOT be going backwards in functionality when the cutover was made. Sorry folks, it didn't get done.

Oh and Rosenthm, from my point of view, there are FEWER emoticons available to me on this board, as I [b:67daa3f174]USED[/b:67daa3f174] to be able to utilize a whole array of emoticons that I collected and were just waiting on a web server to embed into the message. - Can't do that no more as we cannot link to external pics. So, you may have gained a few more here, but I lost another 100 that was at my disposal. :twisted:

MM :cry:
Last edited by mighty moose on Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
mighty moose
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Postby GREGKOESTER » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:23 pm

What's netplay like? I hate all the crap at the top of the page. I use a phone line and it takes forever to load the sites with all the crap.
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Postby Rob55 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:37 pm

Grindi..... netplay is GREAT.... if you want to discuss it ...maybe we can go to the old MB and PT each other ...LMAO
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Postby Palanion » Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:56 pm

I have been on here for a few weeks, and it has taken some getting used to, but so far I actually seem to have less problems than with the old boards.

I, also, have inquired about better notification of posts... and specifically about getting the posts in the body of the e-mails. I check e-mails MUCH more frequently than the boards.

I had actually stopped using the old boards for six months because it felt reather staid and unfriendly. Here, I think the opportunity for those newer to the online game can get to relate with fellow players.

As for PT. It has been available since I first logged on here. It is the PM (private messaging) link under the person in each post. There's also a place in the upper right of your profile page to access your PM.

There are bugs, certainly, but we'll get used to it, and they (better) fix the problems. Hey, it is a beta.....

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Postby raslavens » Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:34 pm

:shock: :? 8) :lol: :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :arrow: :) :o :arrow: :| :mrgreen:
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