by cummings2 » Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:15 pm
Cool, that's Four :!:
Count 'em up guys, four! That's right as in Four Nipples had the Traveling Whale :!:
O.K. so, here's what I am thinking, seriously...or as serious as i can be :wink:
We start a regular AD league.
For the Greedy and the Needy.
All is straight:
No password
80 Mil
But...we set is as Advanced -some vets out there only go for the 50 smackers you know, [i:62b290e086]big [/i:62b290e086]spenders.
Now we have Jeff, Stoney, Ty and Myself. The other option is that we join a regular AD league. Tough to be in the same division though.
But we can go in as a double date of sorts...we use lottery picks tonight lower to higher to determine partner... :lol: just kidding
No but really, we go in with names of couples: Like lone Ranger/Tonto, Batman/Robin, Kato/Green Hornet, Dr. Who and the Silurians, you know...Canseco/McGwire, Dorothy/Toto, Elphaba/Glinda, Roxanne/Cyranno or Roxanne/Christian if you rather...
I'm writing with a ceffeine rush...I should have a smokey, calm down and come back.
So...forget everything I just said :wink: