by Ray Busse » Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:59 pm
[quote:f1b48be1e7="socalchiro"]"2. All the work from now until launch will be focused on making YOU, our existing fans, happy. We will be taking steps in the near future to bring new customers in the door, but we realize that the key to a successful business is to put the existing community first".
Just a reminder, from your own words Bernie. The discount DOES NOT help the 2006 crowd...[/quote:f1b48be1e7]
Curious, how was the 2006 crowd harmed by the snafu last week? They are going to offer 5 pak discounts once 2006 starts, so I fail to see why it is felt necessary to receive further credits for a product that was not impacted by the computer issues last weekend.