Hey all---We need 3 more managers to kick off our league.. Gonna be a little different. It is a group of managers that have played several leagues together and the interaction between managers will have you howling with laughter. If you do not want to get messages this would NOT be a league you would want to get in. On the other hand if you enjoy the banter back and forth between managers this will be the funnest league you have been in guaranteed. It is set up as a private league because we wanted to give everyone in our current league a chance to get in before we posted on the board.. Come and join this wild and wacky group of VERY good managers and try a league that is a little different............60 mil---advanced---DH....League name...Apollo 13....password....jimlovell
Looking forward to it..use your discount and lets kick this thing off monday. Thanks from the crew of Apollo 13---"We're at stable one and this is the crew of Apollo 13 signing off"