[quote:6395ca405a="1crazycanuk"]Up here in Canada we believe it's disrespectful to call someone "hockey puck". :wink: We also have a thing called humour too, and in Canada we have this concept of spelling it "humour".
I may have caught the humour if I had read that you mentioned "chump change" in the earlier post. See, I was addressing what you said in one post. I didn't bother to read who wrote the post above the one I was actually addressing. Forgive me for focusing on the post that I was addressing. :(
I love playing this game too. And I don't know what you mean about the Prime Minister :?: :?[/quote:6395ca405a]
Fair enough.
While ripping Canada apart I thought it would be fair to imply the Americans know nothing about Canada. (regarding the prime minster remark) But the good news 22% of Americans can name all 5 members of the Bart Simpson family cartoon, while only 1 in 1000 Americans can name the first 5 ammendments:
So I am very proud of our excellent intellect. And also proud that we choose to spell humor, humor (not humour), ass, ass (not arse) and about, about (not a-boot).
I will see you in the ball field, play ball !!!! And go Expos !!....whoops.
Turd Ferguson :!: