by Ninersphan » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:53 pm
[quote:5e4742aab3="BBY"][quote:5e4742aab3="watts141"]proxie.... up[/quote:5e4742aab3]
indeed. I miss the clock by [b:5e4742aab3]ONE[/b:5e4742aab3] minute on a weekend and get skipped, the clock now is up AND we've got his proxies and he still gets more time. even if you have the following pick, what happened to the rules commish? :x[/quote:5e4742aab3]
R U FIN' KIDDING me, here's the PM I just got and my response, note the red bold test.
I've got a problem with your interpretation of the rules in USKL III. This past weekend you ruled that my pick was to be skipped because my clock was over by [b:5e4742aab3]ONE MINUTE[/b:5e4742aab3] going into a weekend. Now we have someone's pick that was up at 8:53 (it is 9:37 now without a pick yet) AND we have proxies for him, but no pick has been made. What makes this convenient is that your pick is now on the clock so there probably won't be any problems, but I have a problem with it.
You are choosing to pick when you want to enforce the league rules instead of enforcing them at all times. I don't know why some members of the league get leeway and some others don't, but it is unfair and if it continues you will have to find a replacement for my league spot.[/quote:5e4742aab3]
I'm sorry I didn't post right after the minutes were up, but
[b:5e4742aab3]I WAS GETTING MY HAIRCUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b:5e4742aab3]
and couldn't get to the computer to post.
I'm not bending the rules for anyone. If I was free, I would have posted 1 minutes after his clock was up.
I didn't post the proxies earlier because in his email he told me they were for the weekend because he was traveling and would be back on Monday.
[b:5e4742aab3][color=red:5e4742aab3]Bottom line, I get my full 3 hours after his 3 hours are up, so I don'teed to post until tomorrow morning if I didn't want to[/color:5e4742aab3].[/b:5e4742aab3]
I'm SERIOUSLY thinking of posting this to the whole like to get there opinion and see if they think I'm "bending " the rules.
you have got to be kidding me, with all the work I put in. unbelievable.
I'll post the picks now.
But what the hell, am I supposed to be chained the the freaking computer??????
I'm so PISSED at this **** :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Last edited by
Ninersphan on Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.