by Ninersphan » Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:54 pm
[quote:72f48d7d00="BBY"]like I said in my Private Message I sent to niners, the rules weren't broken last night, and technically they weren't broken on friday either. his pick was next so it didn't matter anyway. I'm still pissed over the friday screwing I could have got. some leeway over one minute would have been nice. niners does a great job as commish, but friday was a big mistake. Excuse me for being bitter. If this happened to anyone else in this league you would all be making a big deal about it too.
Niners, you don't post private messages on the boards. we had this problem before with other owners in the past with this league and you came down on it at that time. What you did is bull**** and you know it. you have been fair up until very recently, I'm not sure what I did or what your problem is. You don't have to worry about me any more because I'm out, find a replacement for my team in the league.
Good luck everybody, and F U to niners.[/quote:72f48d7d00]
I only made your pm public once you went public with the whole incident.
You were never "screwed". the rules are the rules, I can't help the person picking after you was ready with his pick either by proxy or otherwise nor can I help that my baraber was bust last night and I couldn't get to the compuetr exactly when the clock expired.
There's nothing in your PM that isn't in your public post, so I'm not sure what your issue is.
That said if I'm attacked, and/or accused of impropriety, you can bet your sweet @$$ I'm gonna take it to the league to make sure that I haven't in fact screwed up or been doing something I shouldn't.
If you want to let down the other 10 owners, that's your perogative, but it sure seems like a VERY immature way to handle things.
For the record, there were no rules broken, nor was I "interperting" them them in any special way to sevre anyones interests.