USKL3 chat thread

Re: wow

Postby Ninersphan » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:15 pm

[quote:302566e65b="watts141"]Niners dont take it personal... We all still love u! Now we can move onto a better manager![/quote:302566e65b]

Different, I'm not making comparisons.

Regardless, here's what is happening.

nythawk will take the team and promote Chris Davis and Jay Bruce, which will elimnate his last two picks. He's keeping St Loius as the stadium. He has also volunteered to move his pick to the end of the round so as to not hold us up and to give us more time, I'm going to leve the order as is, just change the clock and selctr on the draft threadm that way he can pick when he wants, like he's been skipped.
That will let us get moving and let him check the players avail list.

Big Thanks you to hawk for stepping in and thanks to all of you for your patience while I get this sorted out.
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Postby cummings2 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:32 pm

Good Stuff with Hawkeye in the fold,

Thanks Hawk and thank YOU Bill as well.

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Postby Cubs48 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:33 pm

Glad I missed the "rumble"....can't we all just get along :wink: :)
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Postby the splinter » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:08 pm

I sent this message out in response to Niners email. I will repeat it in spirit here

I think quitting and finding a replacement in less than 24 hours is very reactionary ,,, from all parties involved. BBY has spent a lot of personal time and energy in this league and to see it all come apart over this is insane...I feel we are better off as a league and as people if we find it within ourslefs to make amends....step back...refocus...go forward.

my thoughts...if it matters
the splinter
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Postby Ninersphan » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:21 pm

[quote:6140a2996a="the splinter"]I sent this message out in response to Niners email. I will repeat it in spirit here

I think quitting and finding a replacement in less than 24 hours is very reactionary ,,, from all parties involved. BBY has spent a lot of personal time and energy in this league and to see it all come apart over this is insane...I feel we are better off as a league and as people if we find it within ourslefs to make amends....step back...refocus...go forward.

my thoughts...if it matters[/quote:6140a2996a]

I don't disagree, but what am I supposed to do?
Make the rest of you wait indefinitly until he decides to come back??

[b:6140a2996a]HE [/b:6140a2996a] hasn't answered my e-mail or posted here since he said he quit. My responsibilty is to keeping the league moving, and I've done that, if he wants back I'm sure hawk will step away, it's not to late to do that.
But as far as I'm concerned he left me no choice when he said he was quitting.

[b:6140a2996a]AND FLIPPED ME OFF VERBALLY TO BOOT![/b:6140a2996a]

And how about the time effort and energy I've expended in running the league, what kind of respect does he show to that, when he quits with 3 rounds left in a draft?

He wants to come back and apologize, then fine. But he was wrong with his first post and his reaction today and judging by that post, he doesn't feel that way at all, so I'm guessing its best for all parties if we just go our seperate ways.
Last edited by Ninersphan on Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:25 pm

And in draft news, I was wondering if anyone would take a flier on Nick Johnson.

Man, talk about a great talent that just can't stay healthy.
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:37 pm

Hawk, welcome, glad to have you onboard! 8-)
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Postby qksilver69 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:38 pm

Yeah I have Pena at 1B with an injury roll, and Choo at DH with an injury roll, so Nick made sense for me. He won't see the light of day unless they're hurt long term or until rosters expand, but when those guys are hurt, he'll be nice depth for me.

BTW, just to weigh in, as the Commish of a similar keeper league, if what happened here happened to me in that league, no question I would get a replacement in here ASAP. I don't think Niners owes any explanations to anyone. Of course we are all entitled to our opinions, but posting an F U like BBY did, there's just no excuse in my book, and I'm just glad we got a level-headed replacement in.
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2 things

Postby Ninersphan » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:10 pm

First, if terry doesn't pick , I still have his weekend proxies, but I've seen him post on other threads, not sure why he's ignoring this one.
That said, I won't be picking right at the clock experation as It's dinner/family time in my house. I'll be on around 8:00pm ish.

Second in a effort to lighten the mood of the last 24 hours I give you the


click at your own risk (yes it's worksafe)
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Postby Terry101 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:11 pm

A few things-

1. Welcome nyhawk. I've played in a number of leagues with him- good replacement
2.. Wow, that was a fast replacement
3.. Sorry to see bby go. He spent a lot time and too bad things couldn't work out.
4. Niners, not ignoring the post- just at work and I had my draft stuff at home- didn't mean to take it to the limit.
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