USKL3 chat thread

Postby blsmith7 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:43 pm

Oops - correction made - How did I miss that? :oops:

And Fowler was also drafted by Niner in the FA - how did Watts miss that - double OOps!! :P
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:51 pm

[quote:cfc50d05c2="7smitty7"]Oops - correction made - How did I miss that? :oops:

And Fowler was also drafted by Niner in the FA - how did Watts miss that - double OOps!! :P[/quote:cfc50d05c2]

So it is evident we all make mistakes and there are excuses for it!
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Postby qksilver69 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:48 am

Keith, if you've only been playing for a year I was wrong to assume you'd know about the R3 thing. Sorry about that.

Of course we all make mistakes, and I can understand why you'd be upset to find Albers doesn't have an SP card. I think the difference is, like Smitty said, given your SP situation and how far post-draft we are, I don't think I'd be asking for a do-over.
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Postby cummings2 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:21 am


I have Mark Buherle, David Bush and Adam Wainwright as usable and good pitchers to have, I can offer one for trade to Keith.

Three good pitchers, in return I'll ask for something that is as good but a surplus of his. No premuim or discount given the situation. That way it's all good. It'll hurt a little to give either of the three but we all save hassles and given whatever I get in return it'll all be good.

Whatcha say?

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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:23 am

As much as I appreicate the offer C2, Beckett is as good or better than the above mentioned 3. My plans were not to use Beckett this year. Why does anyone give 2 sh*ts about this? Its an honest mistake, I just realized upon loading my team, Mock is someone no one drafted in 13 rounds, I drafted Albers in the 5th? It would be different if I was asking to go back to the 5th and for a player someone else took, then I could even see I was being out of line. Nothing has come out that Mock is a potential Cy Young candidate this year. Wouldnt it be easier to try and understand & say yes than to continue a debate?
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Postby qksilver69 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:07 am

Keith, what if someone else had wanted Albers and they didn't get their chance during the draft because you picked him? What do we say to that owner? Do they get a redo too?

I don't think it's that anyone cares about Mock, for me it's that when there is no apparent harm to your team, then I don't want to mess with the past to give special treatment to anyone, whether it's you or anyone else making the same request.

You say you weren't going to play Beckett, and you want a 1.5M SP, so I guess you want to trade Beckett. That's the only scenario I can think of. So just find a crappy SP in return from a trade partner if that's the case. If it's not the case, I would want to have a compelling reason why living with Albers hurts your team in order to change my stance, sorry. You're asking us to make an exception for you, so tell us what impact not getting Mock is going to have.
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Postby Ninersphan » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:00 am

Near as i can tell that's 5 votes against the Albers/Mock swap and none for.

as i said I'm leavig it up to the league.

For swap 0 votes
against 5 votes
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Postby KEITHLAMONT » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:06 am

Well guys, I will respect the ruling of the group whether I agree with it or not & will play this season. Since the group sees things so much differently than me, it may be coo of you to find someone who sees things more like you to replace me for the second season & there on. You may see this as me throwing a temper tantrum, I see as a sign it may be time to move on, cutback & give my family more attention.
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Postby blsmith7 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:56 am

A couple of things Keith:

1. I still cannot understand why this is such an issue with you when you have Beckett, Vazquez, and Marshall as options. Why would you not want to use Beckett this year? I can't understand that without some explanation.

2. How did you know not to draft certain players whose cards were not included in this year's set? For example, if all you utilized was the ratings book, why not draft Nelson Cruz for example? Do you mean to say you didn't look at the cards on TSN at all?

3. No one is blaming you if you made an honest mistake, but why can't you see our rationale for not allowing it? This is a good group of guys who just cannot see your rationale, and you're not making a good argument at this point, other than to basically say "it's no big deal". Sometimes when you make a mistake, you just have to deal with it, especially when it seems you have better options. I'm not sure how we see things "so much differently than you". I don't remember any other issues that have come up.

4. To jump on Qk's point, I did have Albers on my draft board, but did not draft him early because of not having a starter rating. However, I would have considered him later because of his R3 rating and he doesn't give up many HRs.

5. We are not trying to punish you, but a league has to have some accountability, otherwise people may be doing this all the time, honest mistake or not.

6. Why are you so adamant about this seemingly minor issue that you would consider dropping out of an excellent league?
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Postby mwatson392 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:24 am

I would say yes, and then watch him trade becket away!

So as of now im sticking to the rules and saying no
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