The issue is as follows; the guide book lists albers as a starter&reliever, I drafted him to start for me this season. TSN only has him as a reliever therefore he can not start for me. [u:a5f10691dd][b:a5f10691dd][i:a5f10691dd]Where I do have pitchers that can start for me there cards suck this year & will not be starting for me[/i:a5f10691dd][/b:a5f10691dd][/u:a5f10691dd]. This mistake is not my fault nor could I have known about it. Honestly, there is no need to to make a mountain out of a molehill. This does not give me any kind of unfair advantage.[/quote:a5f10691dd]
I have to be honest, I don't know what it is that we are actually talking about here. :?
Beckett sucks. Bush, Wainwright & Buehrle are as sucky as Beckett so I'll go with Mock to replace Albers???
If we are talking [b:a5f10691dd]this[/b:a5f10691dd] year lets take a peek:
[code:1:a5f10691dd]Vs RHP:
P1 14.8 20.8 22.6 0.8 1
P2 19.1 22.1 31.8 1.0 1
P3 5.8 23.8 18.2 3.6 5*
P4 22.0 33.0 31.6 2.2 2
P5 11.8 14.7 24.1 2.6 4
P6 21.7 24.7 31.3 1.6 1[/code:1:a5f10691dd]
[code:1:a5f10691dd]P1 18.6 22.6 39.0 2.0 3
P2 18.9 18.9 31.3 2.0 5
P3 18.0 31.0 29.5 0.0 0
P4 1.9 17.9 1.9 0.0 0
P5 14.0 19.9 36.1 3.8 6*
P6 27.0 28.0 44.6 1.8 2[/code:1:a5f10691dd]
The numbers above represent Hits, OB, TB, HR, BP-HRs. Without peeking can ya'll tell me which one is better than which one and which one is sucky and which one isn't? then tell me which one is Beckett, which one Albers, which Bush, which Wainwright and which Buehrle... I'm sorry Keith I just don't get it. :(
At first I thought it was a matter of roster requirements now it's a matter of... what exactly :?: :?
Keith, if its a matter of making a boo boo on the draft, I have to say sorry but no to the change. Sometimes we make boo boos and that's it, for example last year I drafted Julio Lugo with my first pick on the supplemental draft in UsKL1. Major Boo Boo. But MY boo boo. (I'm trying to see how many times I can write boo boo without making a boo boo). The problem with what is being asked is that it open a can of worms, I understand if right now you don' see it that way, but it does set up a precedent of roster alterations [u:a5f10691dd][b:a5f10691dd][i:a5f10691dd]after[/i:a5f10691dd][/b:a5f10691dd][/u:a5f10691dd] the draft is done when the team altering had no [b:a5f10691dd][i:a5f10691dd]need[/i:a5f10691dd][/b:a5f10691dd] to make the change. At what point do we draw the line from now on? If halfway through the season I want to make a change to my roster why can't [u:a5f10691dd][b:a5f10691dd][i:a5f10691dd]I [/i:a5f10691dd][/b:a5f10691dd][/u:a5f10691dd], and if we can start making changes after the drafts why even bother drafting? It's not penalizing you for boo boo Keith nor is it making a storm out of a little boo boo any of us could make, its about keeping it simple (from my end)
Now I offered those players thinking that you couldn't fill the TSN roster minnimums (my boo boo) and I understand you don't want them but, and THIS is an impurtant BUT (much like the hot waitress at my fav restaurant) a very important BUT ... actually there is no but I just wanted to write boo boo, but and waitress in the same post :)
Look Keith kidding aside, I sympathize and empathize, I wish I could say go right ahead but it just opens a can of boo boos I'd rather not deal with later on. It's [u:a5f10691dd][b:a5f10691dd][i:a5f10691dd]nothing[/i:a5f10691dd][/b:a5f10691dd][/u:a5f10691dd] personal, believe me, and IMHO as little as this might seem now it can set up precedents that make for boo boo times later on.
As much as I like 'em boo'bs I rather not deal with boo boo times.
... but if you want to I can wear my french nurse outfit for you too... and if you're naughty I'll call you a [i:a5f10691dd]boo-boo [/i:a5f10691dd]:twisted:
[quote:a5f10691dd="klx22"]There were 2 players this happened to which niners mentioned above; giese & albers. Those are the only two that should be allowed & not in the middle of a season, but b4 it starts.[/quote:a5f10691dd]
Actually it was four: Kuo, Giese, Albers, and Cesar Jimenez :wink: