AL/NL league w/twist, West can load

Postby MFL536 » Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:21 am

Round 1

1. ironwill - Boston AL
2. kaviksdad - Philadelphia NL

3. mfl536 - NY Yankees AL

4. EddieE
5. misterg
6. Ninersphan
7. PracticalDoc
8. rmilter
9. djl3737
10. chasenally
11. nythawk
12. MLBinfoczar


13. MLBinfoczar
14. nythawk
15. chasenally
16. djl3737
17. rmilter
18. PracticalDoc
19. Ninersphan
20. misterg
21. EddieE
22. mfl536
23. kaviksdad
24. ironwill
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Postby Ninersphan » Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:35 am

Round 1

1. ironwill - Boston AL
2. kaviksdad - Philadelphia NL
3. mfl536 - NY Yankees AL

[b:80988d22fd]4. EddieE [/b:80988d22fd]

5. misterg
6. Ninersphan
7. PracticalDoc
8. rmilter
9. djl3737
10. chasenally
11. nythawk
12. MLBinfoczar


13. MLBinfoczar
14. nythawk
15. chasenally
16. djl3737
17. rmilter
18. PracticalDoc
19. Ninersphan
20. misterg
21. EddieE
22. mfl536 (NL)
23. kaviksdad (AL)
24. ironwill (NL)
Posts: 55
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:44 am

From about 4:00pm until 9:00pm I will not be able to pick. If it gets to me before 3:45, I can pick, otherwise I can pick around 9:00pm(or possibly a lot earlier, I will check in on my break). Thanks guys.

I am sorry to hear about your Mom, that is very sad news. We all have to go through what the both of us are going through at some point I guess. Strat-O-Matic is a great release and escape from real life.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:52 pm

I have to go to work soon. I will check in once more before work, and once on my break, but otherwise if it is not my turn yet, I will be home by 9:30 at the latest, and I can make my pick by then, if not earlier. Thanks.

ps. I hope no one takes the Royals(I have my fingers crossed)
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Postby Ninersphan » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:05 pm

[quote:c0ee69d4c3="rmilter"]I have to go to work soon. I will check in once more before work, and once on my break, but otherwise if it is not my turn yet, I will be home by 9:30 at the latest, and I can make my pick by then, if not earlier. Thanks.

ps. I hope no one takes the Royals(I have my fingers crossed)[/quote:c0ee69d4c3]

No worries,

we won't skip you, I don't think there needs to be any great rush, ( that said I do wish eddie would make his pick soon) :wink:

Round 1

1. ironwill - Boston AL
2. kaviksdad - Philadelphia NL
3. mfl536 - NY Yankees AL

4. EddieE

5. misterg
6. Ninersphan
7. PracticalDoc
8. rmilter
9. djl3737
10. chasenally
11. nythawk
12. MLBinfoczar


13. MLBinfoczar
14. nythawk
15. chasenally
16. djl3737
17. rmilter
18. PracticalDoc
19. Ninersphan
20. misterg
21. EddieE
22. mfl536 (NL)
23. kaviksdad (AL)
24. ironwill (NL)
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Postby Eddie E » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:48 pm

Sorry for the delay. I went out of my way to send a PM to Ninersphan with my first three choices so I wouldnt hold things up but for some reason it never got sent this morning. Maybe I hit the wrong button in my sleep...

I hated picking this early but here goes....

Round 1

1. ironwill - Boston AL
2. kaviksdad - Philadelphia NL
3. mfl536 - NY Yankees AL

4. EddieE - Chicago NL

5. misterg
6. Ninersphan
7. PracticalDoc
8. rmilter
9. djl3737
10. chasenally
11. nythawk
12. MLBinfoczar


13. MLBinfoczar
14. nythawk
15. chasenally
16. djl3737
17. rmilter
18. PracticalDoc
19. Ninersphan
20. misterg
21. EddieE
22. mfl536 (NL)
23. kaviksdad (AL)
24. ironwill (NL)
Eddie E
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Postby Misterg78582 » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:23 pm

Round 1

1. ironwill - Boston AL
2. kaviksdad - Philadelphia NL
3. mfl536 - NY Yankees AL

4. EddieE - Chicago NL

5. misterg - New York Mets (NL)
6. Ninersphan
7. PracticalDoc
8. rmilter
9. djl3737
10. chasenally
11. nythawk
12. MLBinfoczar


13. MLBinfoczar
14. nythawk
15. chasenally
16. djl3737
17. rmilter
18. PracticalDoc
19. Ninersphan
20. misterg
21. EddieE
22. mfl536 (NL)
23. kaviksdad (AL)
24. ironwill (NL)
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


Postby Ninersphan » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:36 pm

Well specifically I do, or that is, I made an error, not entirely my fault, but as defacto comissioner I'll fall on the sword.

MLBinfoczar sent me a pm prior to the draft stating his desire to use CA's numbers for his lottery if in fact CA did have a pick 3, he originally picked CA then swithched it to WA. In his PM to me he states he didn't know if Cally had a pick 3 and that if I found out if it did could I switch it back.

(Why he didn't know if Cally did but thought WA defintely had one, I have no idea)
Rewind to last night, about 7:45pm EDT, at least a day since I received said PM along with at least 2 dozen others in my in box for keeper league stuff, and I start to check for lottery results. I go to the last page of our thread, see what states are picked, and start scouring the lotteryusa website.

First problem, kaviksdad had picked S. Dakota, they don't have a pick 3, what to do...
I can hold up the draft for another day and make him repick a sate or pick one for him. KD and I are pretty good friends, buds if you will. (Never met in person mind you just spent to much time with him on this here site) So I need to pick a state that hasn't picked their numbers yet, that means west coast (remember I'm on the east coast), KD picked SD, SD makes me think San Diego, San Diego = California I'll use Cali for him and post a note so that everyone sees it and knows it's on the up and up. I chaek the list, and nobody has CA picked. Great!!!

Second problem, OBVIOUSLY I've completely forgotten about the Cally request from MLBinfoCzar to switch his state. I go about my merry way and continue filling in peoples picks as they come in. Hell I''m even on the computer at 1:00 am getting the West Coast numbers (damn New Mexico GRRR).

I get them all, I post 'em and I go to bed happy knowing we can be off first thing this morning.

The first picks come in everything is going smoothly, I think I've answered everbodies questions about trades, rosters, salaries etc. I can [b:0939a77d59]finally[/b:0939a77d59] make my 5 picks, make a few trades sit back and watch the team I assembled play ball. You know have a litte fun with this here game.



I get the reminder PM from MLBinfoCzar reminding me he wanted California first. Now he hasn't offered me a soultion or even told me if it's a problem, I beleive it is, but tone is so hard to read in text. Nor have I gotten a responsse to my PM back yet.


Anyway, long story short, we need to pause the draft until we can come up with a workable solution. that keeps all parties happy.

So what have we learned.

1. Never pick either of the Dakota's for a TSN Strato lottery number, they don't pick daily numbers.
2. Check your daily newspaper and see if your state has pick 3 drawings before siging up for leagues requring lottery drawings
3. I'm an idiot
4. this is supposed to be fun and not this much work


Anyone have any ideas let me hear em
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Postby Eddie E » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:53 pm

This should be no big deal in my mind but of course everyone is different. Let things be as they are and MEA CULPA to MLBInfoCzar for forgetting to check into whether the state that HE picked has a pick 3 (problem never occurs if MLBInfoCzar does his own legwork instead of leaving it up to someone else). It's hard to redo things after the fact since now everyone knows what the draft order is as opposed to changing things before draft order is known. Life isnt always fair but if you change things you take a chance of wronging others who didnt do anything wrong. I say if you have to wrong someone make it the person who created the issue to begin with. Sorry, MLBInfoCzar, if the wording of this seems unfeeling but we have to solve this while affecting the fewest parties. Just one person's opinion.
Eddie E
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Postby MFL536 » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:57 pm

as I see it you have a few options
1)start over and use lotto #'s from tonight giving him Calif and having Kaviksdad pick another state lotto to use
2)MLBczar pick now but everyone else won't be happy
3)if he wants my 3rd place pick and the Yankees I will drop to 12th and go from there

we are doing this strat for a release from everyday work stress etc so none of us wants to get stressed over it
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