Ok, I guess it is time to come clean - I have been operating under a vast number of pseudonyms since the 1st year - I am actually JKolak aka Leehaak aka Doug Bickle aka Wisconsin Cheeseheads aka Devilrage aka Never Ends aka Nicole aka Penngray aka etdefender aka Kaviksdad aka qksilver aka rmhokama aka edgecitytx aka Bigmahon aka jeepdriver aka cristano1 aka dneedle1 aka playbythe rules aka alphonso aka CATom aka sandlotshrink aka TRichardson...I think that's it. My real handle is robvoz and I'm an alcoholic. "Hi Robvoz!"
My favorite poem is Roses are red, Violets are blue - I'm schizophrenic and so am I... 8)