70s and 80s Players Only - Leagues Chat Thread.

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 4:48 pm

Chasenally's pick of Gagne is invalid. Gagne doesn't have a 70's card.
Chasenally...all you need to do is go to "Change a Pick" and it will give you the option to drop a player. Then...2 managers need to approve the drop. I'll be one of them, but we need a second...

I'll delete my Rivers pick so you have that option. Don't be shy if you want Rivers...he was my proxy pick because the rest of those bums picked up the 6 or 7 guys I wanted ahead of him.

It will be the classic do-over...
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Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 4:50 pm

Could 2 managers be so kind as to approve my drop of Rivers please.
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Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 5:21 pm

Thanks guys. OK...just waiting on Chasenally to drop and then re-pick.
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Postby LMBombers » Tue May 05, 2009 6:45 pm

Chasenally, Did you pick Gagne knowing he was a filler player? Maybe you wanted Wynegar who is an elligible player but not available in the draft? If so let us know that. Otherwise please drop Gagne, wait for someone to approve the drop, and then repick.
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Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 8:06 pm

I have a feeling he wanted a shortstop as he doesn't have one yet. He probably searched the draft site for best available and up comes Gagne...
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Postby cshannajr » Tue May 05, 2009 8:23 pm

I say we move on. He should have known Gagne doesn't have a 70s card...let alone play in the 70s. If he wanted Wynegar or someone else not listed, he should have said so on the boards. But, that's just my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 8:35 pm

Sorta looks like an honest mistake. It was a proxy pick, so he probably set up proxys by the draft site. Draft site shows Gagne...Gagne gets on the proxy list. I vote to give him more time to fix his pick. Once I pick, I'm betting he has a proxy already set and who knows how fast picks will go off the board.

While we are waiting I have a question. It was stated in the rules that no trading drafted players during the season. Voovits...Is PRE-season trading allowed?
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Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 8:50 pm

Jayhawk...please check your PM.
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Postby Jimmy_C » Tue May 05, 2009 9:02 pm

Voovits...your the Commish. Do you want me to pick to get this steamboat sailing again, or wait to give the guy a break?

I'm hanging around the 'puter so just let me know...
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Postby voovits » Tue May 05, 2009 9:17 pm

I myself am in no particular rush. I can imagine how time would be of the essence for any manager here considering the league will take a couple of months to complete once it gets started anyway.

I did post a note about ineligible players but I didn't list Gagne, I must have missed him, I feel stupid. It's an easy mistake to make and I don't think he should be penalized for it. I say give him 24 hours, and if he does not retract his pick by then, we move on. He will then make one last pick after the draft is over. I will also be open to letting him have exclusive drafting rights to Gagne if he wants in the 80's portion of it if he ends up keeping him.

As far as trades go, I did not want players traded in the seasons because I wanted the same players to be on the same teams in both seasons, so trades made pre-autodraft are fine as long as players swapping hands are doing so in both the 70s and 80s
Meaning, if You trade Schmidt for Brett, it's 70's and 80's Schmidt for 70's and 80's Brett. not just the 70's version for the 70's version.
Lastly since we're being specific about the number of players drafted, the trade has to include an equal number of players.
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