70s and 80s Players Only - Leagues Chat Thread.

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Postby voovits » Tue May 12, 2009 9:38 pm

1. Voovits - In both
2. seanreflex In both
3. jsam9801 - need to load
4. jayhawk81 - need to load

seanreflex is now in both, so now we're waiting on jsam and jayhawk
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Postby jayhawk81 » Tue May 12, 2009 10:28 pm

It will be tomorrow evening for me. Have barely played the 80s need to check a couple things out.
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So I understand

Postby chasenally » Tue May 12, 2009 11:35 pm

I have drafted 16 players and 1 stud for the 70's and 1 stud for the 80's. I have to carry the 16 for both leagues (those 16 play in both the 70's and 80's league?). I now draft up to 11 players for each league with a max of 12 pitchers as strat will only let you carry that many. Every player has to be $2.5mil or less except the 80's pitching at $3mil. Will we play both leagues at once or maybe 1 week apart? After the draft we will have a FA draft that will be held during the week and I will get what is left as I will hit the computer around 10EST :cry: . I suggest that we list our keepers 1 to 17 as then they can not be taken by anyone else. Is there anything I am missing? Mike
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Postby voovits » Wed May 13, 2009 12:21 am

List your keepers at the end of the draft card. Putting them at the end seems to be the way people do it, and some teams have already loaded into the leagues, so we can't change it anyway. If someone makes a mistake and drafts one of your players, that manager will release the player before the season starts so you can pick him up, just let us know through the league message board if you missed out on one of your drafted players.
The 16 players we drafted on the SOMdraft site will be on your team for both the 70s and 80s seasons. Those players can not be dropped for any reason.
The stud players we just finished drafting (also to go at the end of your draft card) do not have to remain on your team, and can be released or traded at any time.
You can only draft 10 total pitchers and 15 total hitters as that's the only thing the game allows. In other words, after your keepers and stud, you'll be drafting 8 players (Either 3 hitters and 5 pitchers, or 4 hitters and 4 pitchers, depending on if you drafted a pitcher or hitter as your stud)
After the draft, the free agents go into waivers, so you'll have a fair shot at the free agents. Once waivers passes, then it's a free for all.
Remember to create your team as a 200 million salary cap, and you do not have to use the same stadium in both leagues. We're figuring on starting both leagues at the same time.

You are in the West division, so wait until the East and Central teams load their teams before you join the league.

I think I covered everything. If you have any other questions, or if I was unclear about something, don't hesitate to ask.
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I will be in tonight...I can't load from work.

Postby jsam9801 » Wed May 13, 2009 6:56 am

J :D
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Postby jayhawk81 » Wed May 13, 2009 8:48 am

Will we be able to keep 28 players once the frenzy starts?
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Postby durantjerry » Wed May 13, 2009 1:53 pm

I will not be able to load until Saturday or Sunday
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Postby voovits » Wed May 13, 2009 3:19 pm

We're not on a time limit as far as loading teams, so don't worry. We didn't figure on starting by Monday anyway.

The rules state you can have as many players on your roster as you want.
Upon reconsideration of that rule, I regret putting it in, wishing I had left the rosters to a maximum of 25 players. I don't want to change a rule as important as that this late into things as people may have based their draft on relying on having the extra players. I think any future versions of this game would be better off with a maximum 25 man roster.
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Postby jayhawk81 » Wed May 13, 2009 5:36 pm

I agree with limiting it too 25. What does everyone else think?

Another option is 26?

Or don't let rosters expand until 24 hours after the free agent frenzy. That way everyone will hopefully have time to adjust their teams and not run the risk of the guy who's on-line at 5:00 for waivers and stockpiles the next 3 best players (granted those would be players #301, 302 and 303). I know I am not usually home by 5:00 for waivers.
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Postby Jimmy_C » Wed May 13, 2009 5:58 pm

2 managers already loaded their teams. Although you can back out of the 70's game and adjust your draft card, you can't do that in the 80's game.

If they drafted based on picking up extra players at waivers then that would be a little unfair to them wouldn't it?

We are only talking about each team getting 2 extra pitchers and 3 extra hitters for each team. I say go with the original rules.

I'm never home at 5pm frenzy time either.
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