by Drewdogs » Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:01 am
Hey Bro (hugedude is actually my brother,) gotta throw my thoughts into this one. I agree with the fact that of all the people who have been associated with steroids, Bonds has faced the biggest backlash and scrutiny. Is he any less guilty than anyone who took steroids? No, of course not. He is/was though, one of the top figures during the hr explosion and coupled with his less than friendly attitude toward reporters and the public, his association with steroids angered people at a greater level. I admit that I myself am not a Bonds fan and for reasons logical or not, I'm more reactive to his association with them. Is he any more guilty or less guilty than anyone who's taken steroids? No. Because Palmeiro's a nicer guy or Ryan Franklin's mediocre, their cheating should not be looked at any differently, and in this sense, the extra attention to Bonds seems quite unfair. Regardless though, i have a hard time turning a blind eye to an issue if there is evidence of illegal activity and so, if there is evidence of illegal activity by Bonds or anyone, i think it should be investigated.
I think it's not fair though to suggest that everybody was passive about this issue and chose to ignore it in the years leading up to it. Now certainly there were people who knew of the growing problem and it's not something that happened overnight, but i think that's part of what makes it hard. People can go crazy naturally in the gym and bulk up over a summer. People can go from 30hrs to 40hrs in a season without steroids. I think most people really believed this was happening. McGwire came into the majors hitting 49 dingers, so when he went on an hr rampage it didn't raise a ton of questions. As more and more players really starting just exploding physically and power hitters developed overnight, I think light switches just started turning on.
As a college sophomore when the Sosa/McGwire hr bashing year occurred, I trully did not think about roids and them being a factor, it just didn't enter my mind. (hugedude, you didn't say anything there either as i recall.) Now if there were people in the know who didn't say anything, or choose to avoid the issue, then they too were in the wrong. I just don't think it's right to suggest that people who are taking a stronger stance against steroids now, didn't do so before because they didn't want to make it an issue or because they liked the results. Had I known or even thought that steroids in the majors were as prevelant as they aparently were/are and had i known my favorite stars were taking them, my attitude towards them certainly would change. I can't stand cheaters, period! (I'm omitting the 2nd grade spelling test where i may have benefitted from a crush Amanda the girl next to me had, but if i could do it again Ms. Bernhart, I would not cheat on the word "ocean." :)
The problem with the "steroid" era is that it puts a cloud of suspicion over many of the great performers during this era. I'm sure a few probably did take illegal supplements, but there were also natural 35hr hitters. Frank Thomas was one of my favorite players when he was in his prime (his attitude the last few years has cause me to change my opinion,) and my brother likes to point him out and his huge body as a probable suspect for 'roid use. Look at how big he is, he must be on roids. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, but now because he's big and plyed during this era, I can't help but look at his accomplishments and wonder. That's the worst thing now, this cloud covering players' accomplishments and it's what makes me really angry at those who did cheat. In some sense they've robbed these honest players and because there was no system of testing. People are innocent until proven guilty and I agree strongly with this and that's what's tough because there was no testing system in place and we can only speculate about players. It's a crappy situation.
When Ken Caminiti talked about steroid use, most people, including myself, dismissed it because of the source. Caminiti was already known for taking drugs and his career was over, and it seemed like a way to sell books. Whatever the actual numbers were, his allegations were right, but most people ignored what he said, not because they didn't want to know, but because they didn't consider him a reliable source. Major League Baseball should have come in line with testing standards seen around the rest of the world long before this became an issue. For whatever reason they didn't, I think it's ridiculous. I play professional volleyball now in Europe and I can't tell you how many times I have my teammates joke about this steroid issue and the slow response baseball's taken. Anyways, i hope it's a problem that baseball can take care of and I must say I feel there is hope they will.
A few endnotes. I can say with almost 100% certainty that my brother hugedude never took roids.His problem was never throwing gas or being strong! (just ask the little leaguers unlucky enough to get plunked) If there is an illegal pill that helps you throw strikes consistently, I can say that he has never taken it or, if he did, that it seriously does not work!! :) If such pill existed and my brother took it, i'd be laying out $11 million to get him on my strat team. (love ya bro) I myself have been tested twice here playing volleyball and am clean as a whistle, though my coach thinks i'm crazy for drinking Diet Coke and it's artificial sweeteners, he's probably right. One european guy in the league tested positive for a banned substance and it turned out it was from a simple type of cold medicine his girlfriend had brought over from her visit to the States which he had taken while sick. He was banned for the rest of the season and his team had to forfeit a bunch of matches. (forget the exact substance, but the next year it was taken off the banned substance list here, ie nothing significant. Our New Zeeland trainer couldn't believe it was still on the list.) Forgive the long response here, have too much free time here waiting for practice. I do know there were some long paragraphs and for this I apologize. Feel like i've been pretty non-aggressive and i respect everyone's opinion, these are just my mine. Adios.