USKL3 chat thread

Postby Ninersphan » Sun May 31, 2009 3:32 pm

Dude, give us a chance. I just got back from church and our Sunday routine...jeesh :roll: Anyway, congratulations and thank you for all of your hard work! I'm glad you won at least one season (hopefully it keeps you motivated to continue running the league so well) :lol:

In all honesty though, I don't know how the league would survive without you. We really do appreciate all of the work and time you put in.

Back to business: I am only dropping two: [b:8af8ba86ad]Eric Chavez and Brett Myers. [/b:8af8ba86ad] I only have two picks, [b:8af8ba86ad][color=red:8af8ba86ad]as I traded my 3rd rounder to Watts last year. As I understand it, he can only draft three in the supp draft. So, he will need to trade one of the picks or lose it, correct[/color:8af8ba86ad]?[/b:8af8ba86ad][/quote:8af8ba86ad]

First sorry I forget you all aren't on east coast time. :oops: Just too excited by my first 2008 championship. :D And as C2 said thrilled with the makeup of this team. I have a team in the playoffs of USKL, that I really dislike and would blow it up in a minute, but as I said it made the playoffs.

Second, thanks for the "running the league" kudos, I'm just doing my part keepeing it going, I figure that's what the commisioner is supposed to do, keep things running, settle disputes and promote the league to newcomers when necessary.

Third, I'll double check on that trade, but if you traded a Supplemental 3rd rounder, then you [b:8af8ba86ad]HAVE[/b:8af8ba86ad] to cut [b:8af8ba86ad]3[/b:8af8ba86ad] guys, otherwise you don't have the 3rd round pick to trade. It means you only pick 2, and spend this second season with 39 players.
You are correct in stating that Keith can only pick 3 however. He uses the higher of the 2 third rounders and forfiets the other pick ( I'm assuming he hasn't traded away any of his other supp picks.)
I'll have more time tomorrow to check over all the trades involving Supplemental picks and see who owes what for drops and whose traded which picks. I simply do not have time today.

Again thanks for both the congrats and the kudos. :D
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:18 am

Way to go Bill. I can remember last year when I lost my "virginity" and won in USKL1. It is a great feeling, isn't it? Especially against the level of the opposition. These keeper leagues we've got going have some of the best, if not the best, managers in the SOM world. A title hear actually means something.

[b:d83d7941eb]Also, you're right about the drops. Just another version of the ol' "Fowldawg Corrollary" where you cannot trade picks that you do not own. By trading away a 3rd round supplemental pick, the manager must cut 3 (if he has a full 40 man roster) in order to make that 3rd round pick any good. If he only cuts 2, then he has no third round pick to trade in the first place.
And you're also right in the the receiving manager can only make as many selections as he has draft [b:d83d7941eb]slots[/b:d83d7941eb] available, not draft [b:d83d7941eb]picks[/b:d83d7941eb]. To free up room for acquired supplemental picks, he has to trade with another manager for one of his slots, since [b:d83d7941eb]there are only at most 36 picks in a supplemental draft.[/b:d83d7941eb]
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Drops for Supplemental draft

Postby Cubs48 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:28 am

[b:ecf7a96e2e] 1. Jason Giambi
2. Adam Miller[/b:ecf7a96e2e]

Congrats Niners... :)
Last edited by Cubs48 on Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:31 am

Congrats Niners! Very nice job! I hope to get the chance to whup yer butt in Season 2.

My drops:
D Wise OF
S Lewis SP
J Whitesell 1B
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Trades involving Supplemental draft picks

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:15 am

Okay, I've checked and I've found 2 trades involving this years Supplemental draft.

The first was from 7/21/2008 between cshannajr and watts141 involving Michael Young and Andy Petitte leaving watts with cshannajr's 3rd rounder, number 30 overall.

The results of which are, [b:cf1d9090ee]cshannajr[/b:cf1d9090ee] [b:cf1d9090ee]MUST[/b:cf1d9090ee] cut 3 players to have access to the 3rd rounder, however unless he aquires another supp. pick, he will play season 2 with 39 players. AND [b:cf1d9090ee]watts[/b:cf1d9090ee] will forfiet his own 3rd rounder, #31 overall, because he will have made 3 picks using cshannajr's 3rd rounder prior to using his own.

The second trade is dated 4/6/2009 between [b:cf1d9090ee]klx22[/b:cf1d9090ee] and [b:cf1d9090ee]kaviksdad[/b:cf1d9090ee] involving Geovany Soto and Carlos Delagado that leaves kd with klx22's 1st round supp. pick.
The results of that trade are [b:cf1d9090ee]klx22 MUST [/b:cf1d9090ee]cut at least 1 and is allowed to cut only 3 and will play season 2 with only 39 players provided he doesn't make a trade for a pick. [b:cf1d9090ee]Kaviksdad[/b:cf1d9090ee] will forfiet his own 3rd round supplemental pick as he will be done drafting in the 2nd round.( Assuming he makes 3 cuts of course.)

All this means that the supp draft order, assuming maximum cuts is as follows:


1 Cubs48
2 Kaviksdad (via klx22)
3 kaviksdad
4 cummings2
5 terry101
6 cshannajr
7 watts141
8 7smitty7
9 splinter
10 qksilver
11 ninersphan
12 nythawk

13 Cubs48
14 klx22
15 kaviksdad
16 cummings2
17 terry101
18 cshannajr
19 watts141
20 7smitty7
21 splinter
22 qksilver
23 ninersphan
24 nythawk

25 Cubs48
26 klx22
27 cummings2
28 terry101
29 watts141 (Via cshannajr)
30 7smitty7
31 splinter
32 qksilver
33 ninersphan
34 nythawk

Questions?? feel free to shoot them my way
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Postby nythawk129921 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:43 am

my drops

Edwar Ramirez
Scott Baker

Also looking to trade Chris Young(CF)
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So I'm not chasing them all over the place

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:04 am

nythawk drops

Edwar Ramirez
Scott Baker

Ninersphan drops:

Joe Inglett
Oliver Perez

cshannajr drops (owes 1 more):

Eric Chavez
Brett Myers

Cummings2 drop:

Jim Edmonds
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Postby the splinter » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:50 am

nythawk drops

Edwar Ramirez
Scott Baker

Ninersphan drops:

Joe Inglett
Oliver Perez

cshannajr drops (owes 1 more):

Eric Chavez
Brett Myers

Cummings2 drop:

Jim Edmonds

Splinter drops:(3 pitchers)

Dana Eveland
Dan Giese
Russ Springer
the splinter
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Forgot a couple

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:07 am

nythawk drops

Edwar Ramirez
Scott Baker

Ninersphan drops:

Joe Inglett
Oliver Perez

cshannajr drops (owes 1 more):

Eric Chavez
Brett Myers

Cummings2 drop:

Jim Edmonds

Splinter drops:(3 pitchers)

Dana Eveland
Dan Giese
Russ Springer

qksilver drops:

D Wise OF
S Lewis SP
J Whitesell 1B

Cubs48 drops:

1. Jason Giambi
2. Adam Miller

still need drops from

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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:30 am

Who is eligible for supp draft?
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