USKL3 chat thread


Postby mwatson392 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:46 am

watts drops

para, kustans , jacobs
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Postby cshannajr » Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:47 am

nythawk drops

Edwar Ramirez
Scott Baker

Ninersphan drops:

Joe Inglett
Oliver Perez

cshannajr drops

Eric Chavez
Brett Myers
[b:cb2fa01cf1]Brian Schneider[/b:cb2fa01cf1]

Cummings2 drop:

Jim Edmonds

Splinter drops:(3 pitchers)

Dana Eveland
Dan Giese
Russ Springer

qksilver drops:

D Wise OF
S Lewis SP
J Whitesell 1B

Cubs48 drops:

1. Jason Giambi
2. Adam Miller

still need drops from

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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:33 pm

nythawk drops

Edwar Ramirez
Scott Baker

Ninersphan drops:

Joe Inglett
Oliver Perez

cshannajr drops

Eric Chavez
Brett Myers
Brian Schneider

Cummings2 drop:

Jim Edmonds

Splinter drops:(3 pitchers)

Dana Eveland
Dan Giese
Russ Springer

qksilver drops:

D Wise OF
S Lewis SP
J Whitesell 1B

Cubs48 drops:

1. Jason Giambi
2. Adam Miller

Kaviksdad's drops:

1. Richie Sexson
2. David Ortiz (don't think he'll pull it out this year)
3. Jared Burton

Watts drops:

1. Manny Parra
2. Jeff Karstens
3. Mike Jacobs

still need drops from

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Re: question

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:32 pm

[quote:6cb8c61839="qksilver"]Who is eligible for supp draft?[/quote:6cb8c61839]

Anyone that is not a prospect.

In other words anyone who has played in the majors and is not currently on a roster. They do [b:6cb8c61839]NOT[/b:6cb8c61839] need to have a card but they must have had prior MLB playing time.
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Congrats on the championship Niners!

Postby KEITHLAMONT » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:38 pm


Can you clarify how many I need to drop in order to maintain my 2 supplemental picks?

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Re: Congrats on the championship Niners!

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:41 pm


Can you clarify how many I need to drop in order to maintain my 2 supplemental picks?


You have 40 on your roster,
you traded away your 1st rounder= 1 cut
you can only cut max of 3, so if you want picks in rounds 2 and 3, you must cut 3 total.

However, due to your trade of a first rounder, you will only be allowed to pick 2, and will spend the 2nd 2009 season with 39 unless you can swing a deal for another supplemental pick.
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Re: Congrats on the championship Niners!

Postby KEITHLAMONT » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:53 pm


Can you clarify how many I need to drop in order to maintain my 2 supplemental picks?


You have 40 on your roster,
you traded away your 1st rounder= 1 cut
you can only cut max of 3, so if you want picks in rounds 2 and 3, you must cut 3 total.

However, due to your trade of a first rounder, you will only be allowed to pick 2, and will spend the 2nd 2009 season with 39 unless you can swing a deal for another supplemental pick.[/quote:f6d5638949]

Being the cuts&picks are not mandatory. How is it any different me trading away a pick vs just forfeiting it by only making a couple drops. Im confused being that I have 2 picks, what I cant make 2 drops & play with a 40 man roster. Also, who does KD have to forfeit a pick, why cant he just make an additional drop? When we make an uneven trade during the season, all the team receiving an extra player has to do is make a drop. The team that trades away the extra player isnt forced to make an extra drop at season end, right? :?
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Re: Congrats on the championship Niners!

Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:03 pm


Can you clarify how many I need to drop in order to maintain my 2 supplemental picks?


You have 40 on your roster,
you traded away your 1st rounder= 1 cut
you can only cut max of 3, so if you want picks in rounds 2 and 3, you must cut 3 total.

However, due to your trade of a first rounder, you will only be allowed to pick 2, and will spend the 2nd 2009 season with 39 unless you can swing a deal for another supplemental pick.[/quote:73c408216c]

Being the cuts&picks are not mandatory. How is it any different me trading away a pick vs just forfeiting it by only making a couple drops. Im confused being that I have 2 picks, what I cant make 2 drops & play with a 40 man roster. Also, who does KD have to forfeit a pick, why cant he just make an additional drop? When we make an uneven trade during the season, all the team receiving an extra player has to do is make a drop. [color=darkblue:73c408216c]The team that trades away the extra player isnt forced to make an extra drop at season end, right?[/color:73c408216c] :?[/quote:73c408216c]

Man why do we have to go through this every draft :cry:

Here's the rule (It's rule 8 under general rules so it covers ALL drafts):

[quote:73c408216c]8) You cannot trade draft choices that you do not own. This means that if you trade a 9th round draft pick, [color=red:73c408216c]you must release as many players as necessary to insure that you will have a 9th round pick.[/color:73c408216c] For example, you have a 40 man roster, and you have acquired an extra 2nd, 3rd, and 6th round draft picks during the year. You have also traded away[/quote:73c408216c]

By trading away your 1st round pick you made the first cut manditory.
The rules also state that a Supplemental draft is never more than 3 rounds therefore you can not have a 4th round or bonus round pick to bring your roster to 40. This rule superceeds the 40 roster.

Again, if you want 2 picks, you will need to make 3 cuts

Cut 1 covers your traded draft picks
Cuts 2 & 3 cover the 2 picks.

The VERY important thing to keep in mind is you are not entitled to picks unless you make cuts.

No cuts = no picks, it's that simple.

Becuase you traded the First rounder away, you now HAVE to make a cut to aquire that pick and send it to kaviksdad. Anything after that is up to you, but you asked what you needed to do to have 2 picks, hence my answer of cut 3.

As to why KD has to forfiet his 3rd rounder, it's because rule 3 for supplemental draft states:

[quote:73c408216c]3) [b:73c408216c]Owners may draft no more than 3 players;[/b:73c408216c] Owners are not required to draft any players during the Supplemental draft[/quote:73c408216c]

Again, the second part of that rule that states you do not have to make cuts/picks is superceeded by Rule 8 above. So in your case once you traded away that pick, you in essence made an agreement to make at least 1 cut prior to the start of the Supp. draft to send that pick to kaviksdad.

The part of your post I highlighted in blue [b:73c408216c] I[/b:73c408216c] don't understand. :? except to say in season trades and roster requirements are differnet than draft time roster requirements, simple as that.

I'm trying to explain it as best I can, I hope I have, if you are still confused LMK.
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:07 pm

Keith - this is a standard rule in these types of keeper leagues.

I don't how many times I went back and forth with Qksilver over just this same issue you bring up. I never liked the answer I got, and hate the rule, but if it applies to everyone I guess I can live with it (still hate it though - I think the way you lay it out is the same way I always laid it out for Qksilver.

Can't love all the rules I guess - :?
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Postby Ninersphan » Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:27 pm

I can tell you why I have the rule in place, (not sure why qk does, so I'm not speaking for him).

I simply want to limit the number of players to 36 or less in a suplemenatl draft.

I realize in this case if klx22 were allowed to pick it would still be under 36.


If I make an exceptionfor 1 person, then a precednet has been set and in a year where all 36 picks [b:0756567941]are[/b:0756567941] made and someone has an extra supplemenatal pick via a trade, then an argument can be made for allowing a 37th pick, or a 38th, etc. We also then get into possibility of someone having to cut 4 players, and if I let 1 person do that then why can't everyone, etc.

It just opens up a big can of worms I'd like to avoid.

Why do I want to limit the picks in the supp. draft? Simple, I want to make sure some of the talent is preserved for the following season's Spring Free Agent draft. Are we talking only 1 -3 players ? Probably, but reguardless, a limit has to be set somewhere and 36 players/3 rounds is where it is in the keeper leagues I run.
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