by Jimbo1958 » Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:06 am
I can't speak for Bonds and anyone else who may have used steriods, amphetamines or other performance enhancers, and I don't like to judge others when I know I am not perfect. However, I can judge my own actions, and I definitely would consider myself to be cheating if I used steriods to give me a competitive edge in sports, regardless of the pressures to excel.
I was at best a below average ballplayer, but some of my best memories are those rare but thrilling moments of greatness (in my own mind!) when I got a clutch hit or scored a winning run playing Little League. Or aced a tough exam in school. Or received recognition from others for completing a successful project at work. I certainly would not felt the same way had I cheated on the test, took credit for the work of others, or enhanced my play with drugs (regardless of whether MLB, the US government or anyone else deemed them to be legal).
I give a lot of credit to my recently deceased father, who loved baseball with a passion (diehard San Diego Padres fan), for teaching me the difference between right and wrong, and especially the importance of doing the right thing when nobody is looking. I apologize if all this makes me sound righteous, but it bothers me greatly that I now question whether my favorite ballplayers set MLB records based on their natural abilities or thanks to steriods.
That Bonds hit so many homers will always amaze me, but now I wonder whether he really did it without the help of steroids. If not, how will he justify the use of steriods? I will let Bonds judge himself because the so-called truth that unfolds over time will likely be skewed by the media, politicians and others.
If, in the end, Bonds believes he cheated baseball and got away with it, perhaps he will place a mental asterisk next to his list of achievements. Maybe not. But if he does, he may never experience the same joy I feel ever time I replay in my own mind those glorious highlight films of my Little League games.