70's v.s. 80's

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70's v.s. 80's

Postby scorpio » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:51 pm

I know I am new to "this" type of strat o matic games. I entered my first 80's league we are only 15 games into it, so far I am having a good time.
A pair of questions, for you vets which league is better or more fun the 70's or the 80's. I looked at the 70's players and I don't know how you could afford a team with those salary's.
Is there a spot on your own league page, standings, maybe? where can you smack talk your league? I have always enjoyed reading the smackers quotes.
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Postby voovits » Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:48 pm

The 80's is much more fun to play for me, but you'll get different answers from different people. You really need to try both and come to your own conclusion. For me it's the familiarity with the players. having been born in 1979, I'm much more familiar with the 80's players, thus I enjoy the 80's game more.

You have an individual league message board, it's in the "trade/mail center (0)" link on the left side of your league homepage. If there are any unread messages that (0) changes to the appropriate number.
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Postby JONCHUCKERY » Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:09 am

I enjoy the 70's much more...

1. Obviously the look of the interface for the 70's game is much better than for the 80's
2. More diverse salaries in the 70's game. To me everybody seems relatively the same price in the 80's game.
3. No weighted waivers in the 80's game. A guy losing his top 4 picks is treated the same as a guy losing his last 4 picks
4. Only 1 real bomber park

I'm sure many will disagree but to each his own
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Postby Jimmy_C » Sun Jul 05, 2009 8:38 am

I enjoy both games. They are both mystery card and therefore you stay involved in your team trying to figure out the cards you have.

The only thing on steroids in the 70's is the salaries. Therefore, it is a major advantage to know who the value players are so you can fit a nice team under the 80 mill cap.

I suggest that you try a 100 mill cap league so you can test-drive a lot of players. It really is a blast having all the studs come into play, and you don't find yourself scratching your head over which .75 guy is going to single-handidly turn around your team when the 20% hit comes into play.

The functionality of the 70's game is far superior to the 80's game, and the player pool depth is far greater. I also like the fact that there are more tilted stadiums in the 70's than the 80's.
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Postby The Senators » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:29 am

It is true that for newer players, the higher the salary cap the better. You'll be able to experiment with more players and try things out. My first league was a 70's 200M cap and I approached the season as something to learn and experiment with and not so much thinking about winning. As you become familiar, the lesser caps become more fun because of the challenge.
The Senators
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Postby AdamKatz » Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:11 pm

While a 100 milion league is a nice idea, they dont fill up that fast. The truth is that the salary cap is not that big of a problem in the 70s game becaue there aren't that many hitters that cost so much that are qorth the money. There are a ton of really expensive good pitchers but there are also alot of decent cheap pitchers so most teams dont have more than one expensive pitcher, you only get 3-4 of the expensive hitters you want after the draft (because so many people go after the same ones). go cheap at 2-3 positions and you can get under the cap.

Alot of the expensiveplayers in the 70s only have 1 or 2 years worth the money so they dont get drafted as much.

For the most part it is the same game but you will probably end up with more of your draft card on an 80s team.
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