Sinking ship

Sinking ship

Postby AeroDave10 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:40 pm

Why does my team stink? :?

I thought it was designed fairly well for a 60M no DH league, but it just seems to continue to drop at least 2 out of 3 games nightly.

I know some of it is just bad luck (e.g. Taylor Buchholz, Geovany Soto, and injuries), but maybe there are some moves that could be made. What does the peanut gallery think?
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Postby thisisray » Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:40 pm

I don't like Soto really. Blalock doesn't seem like a good fit for your park. Your other hitters seem good, but you don't seem to have much slugging besides ARod. You also don't have much OBP.

As far as pitching I am not a fan of any of your starters except Meche. Blanton is an alright choice. Buchholz is pretty high priced for a 60M league to be a C0.

Your team can't do worse, just wait for the rolls to come your way.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:54 pm

I was thinking of dropping Verlander and Lilly for Mussina and Blanton. Everyone's RHSPs in my league have been facing about 60-70% lefties.

I had Buchholz in there as my main setup guy to eat up the middle innings, but that does not seem to be working. Nearly all of the big boy R2s are available (Balfour, Kuo, Wade, Romo, Arredondo), but I just don't know if that it's overkill to have someone like that in a league with nearly all pitchers' parks. One possibility is to drop Buchholz and Francisco and pick up Arredondo and Hanrahan.

As for Soto and Blalock, I agree. I'm not in love with them, and honestly I've never been keen on having one of my main hitters be a catcher, so I'm open to suggestions on replacements.

I also agree that I desperately need some more power (I am last in the league in HRs with just 7 :( ) but I'm not sure where to go looking for some (other than asking my buddy Jose for a shot in the butt :lol:)
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Postby thisisray » Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:05 pm

I do like Lilly in your park if he can face enough righties, but Mussina is doing great in one of my leagues as he is facing about 60% lefties. Who are some available free agent hitters for catcher/1B? You could try and work a trade also.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:54 pm

I'll go for trades first, and then look at FAs. It will be tough, though.
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Postby toronto50 » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:07 pm

soto is over 10% of total budget but will not produce 10% of total output...Blanco in fenway rocks

u need 1 knockout closer soria/rivera/nathan
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:31 am

All I can say is;... the one time I tried a 60 million dollar league I was so pumped. I thought my team was the bees knees. We started out something like 14-7, and then proceeded to lose 92 games. So all I can say is; I feel your pain,.....and I am sorry I can not be of more help. Good luck AeroDave,...and remember you can not possibly be as bad as our beloved real life Indians.
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