by Minoso Express » Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:11 pm
Bottomline: Most of you are taking the word of two San Francisco Chronicle reporters as fact when it is, at the moment, simply unverifiable reportage. Where did these guys get their information? Ex girlfriends and roids "dealers" who stand to be indicted one day for illegal activity. Do you think this book lays the groundwork for cutting a deal for those guys? You bet it does.
Am I saying Bonds never took steroids? No. Show me the power-hitting player-- ANY power-hitting player-- in the 90s (or the 80s, for that matter) who never took steroids in any concoction, legal or otherwise, and I'll show you a liar.
Baseball has always had a list of banned substances. Are we going to banish HOFers of earlier eras because they juiced up on caffeine and nicotine in such quantities that their blood levels would have resembled those of junkies? You think their performance levels would have suffered had they not been running on what amounts to a simulated speed kick? Like hell they would have suffered. How about all those HOFers who snorted coke in the 70s and 80s? You think Keith Hernandez and a few others are the only guys who did it? No way. They're the only guys who will admit to it.
What I am suggesting is that it is impossible to penalize players like Palmeiro, Bonds and McGwire (much as I despise McGwire, that terminally overrated lug) for enhancing their NATURAL abilities as hitters when this has been going on in one form or another since Day One of baseball.
I repeat: the three to four-year period the SF Chronicle reporters allege that Bonds took steroids in no way negates his already sterling Hall credentials. No one should take that away from him.
As for the "cheating" debate... please. Cheating is as integral a part of baseball as whining. To pretend otherwise is nonsensical. Let's strip George Brett of his plaque in Cooperstown because he used a juiced up bat, ok? You think he would have had all those hits without it-- or you think he used pine tar or any other bat popper just that once? While we're at, let's take away Jim Palmer's plaque too because he-- famously-- petitioned HOF voters throughout his career with dinners, booze, dames and other "bribes."
That's it-- maybe Barry should start gladhanding a few of those guys. You'd see opinion on the roid scandal dissipate pretty fast. And if you don't believe it, there's a bridge I'd like to sell you....