1. Bobby--KY---No DH and frenzy -2 rounds
2. Frank Bailey--NY--either and frenzy
3. Dugger--Western Canada--No DH and frenzy 2 rounds
4. CATom - CA - DH - frenzy - 2 rounds
5. SteveAmes- VA- no DH, 2 rounds, frenzy
6. Swany - FL - No DH - Waivers - 4 Rounds
7. Linguiphilos - NJ - DH/no DH, 4 rounds, frenzy
8. HK Mossy - MI- No DH, 2 rounds, frenzy
9. olwill---Mo.---No Dh,Frenzy-2 rounds
10. bobschwartz22,---No DH, Frenzy, 2rounds ( call me Bobby's puppet)
11. Cubs48 -IL -no DH,frenzy,2 rounds
12. Ryne Conn/no dh/ frenzy/4 rounds
Voting options from the 7 above:
1. 8 No DH and 2 DH (one voting either)
2.10 frenzy and 1 waivers
3. 8 for 2 rounds, 2 for 4 rounds and 1 no vote
Just recieved a free credit! :wink: So I'm back!!...what,no 8 rds.? :P