Roster Requirements

Roster Requirements

Postby novie » Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:46 am

I am shocked that there hasn't been any griping about the fact that you now MUST carry 11 pitchers. It seems as though some of the "in the know" players with the ear of TSN staff must have had something to do with this.

I would love to hear TSN's explanation for the various requirements by game type... ATG and the other 200x games are 10, 1969 is 9, and now 2006 is 11.

Well, that's another .50M wasted on a player that will never pitch.
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Postby LMBombers » Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:01 am

You only need 11 pitchers for the AD. You can drop down to 10 pitchers after the AD. See the rules below:

Your Roster

At all times, you must have at least 24 players and no more than 28 players on your roster.
You must have at least 13 and no more than 17 hitters. At least two of those hitters must be eligible to play catcher.
You must have at least 10 and no more than 12 pitchers.
You must have at least 5 pitchers who have starting pitcher Endurance ratings (for example: S7).
You must have at least 4 pitchers who are "pure" relievers (i.e. a relief rating (e.g. R2) but no starter rating).
You must have at least 1 pitcher who has a closer Endurance rating (e.g. C4).
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Postby packleader » Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:22 am

By having 11 pitchers on the draft roster, we can now actually cut a pitcher during waivers. This improves waiver claims flexibility. Previously, you could not cut a pitcher prior to waivers, a situation which I found to be a hindrance when making waiver claims. So over all, I like this concept better.
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Postby worrierking » Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:31 am

It also means you can make a waiver claim on a pitcher and drop a hitter for him (and vice versa), which you couldn't do before.
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Postby geekor » Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:59 am

Exactly, it gives you muchmore after draft flexibilty. Before if you got screwed on a pitcher, but needed that money to change your teams tategy to more hitting, it was impossible. The added flexibilty is a great bonus.

The bitching I'm suprised I'm not hearing is from no more checkbox "do not use before 9th" :?
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Postby novie » Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:31 pm

Terrific.... that is one of the major complaints I have had for a while. It appeared that the numbers were changed, but the option not put in place.

Glad to see that I was mistaken!
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Postby RiggoDrill » Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:02 pm

[quote:fe421d4111="Novie"]Terrific... Glad to see that I was mistaken![/quote:fe421d4111]
:mrgreen: Good to see TSN satisfying the customer. I like the increase in total roster size to 24 players. Back when the game was introduced, you only needed to carry 8 pitchers, but this was increased to 9 and then 10 pitchers. With 10 pitchers on roster, you only had room for 13 position players if you wanted to keep to the minimum roster limit.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:51 pm

Novie, I'll do some griping if it'll make you feel better. :wink:

[b:085c1bb41c]WHY[/b:085c1bb41c] did we go to a format which forces us to carry 4 pure relievers and why was the "do not use before 9th" removed? I certainly didn't request it!

Way back in Strat 101 we all learn that the first thing we must do is try to keep HAL from using relievers in situations we don't. I will no longer play ATG non-DH leagues because I'm sick of having Alexander, Koufax, etc, pulled in the 5th or 6th inning. It appears to me that the changes (4 pure RP's and no "do not use before 9th") are intended to keep us from manipulating the game system. Hence we are being forced into relying on HAL's logic to make the correct pitching changes at the correct times.


Bernie did start a thread asking for examples of HAL's misuse of the pen, and unfortunately, I didn't research through my 150 or so teams to pull up all the rotten pitching match-ups HAL had used. However, had I known that these changes were intended, I would've done some homework here. For me, it's just a given that HAL will not manage a bullpen correctly, hence the need for us to be able to manipulate this aspect of the game as much as possible... more than anywhere else in the game.

I'm gonna give it a try, but there is a very good chance that these changes are going to frustrate me to no end, and hence seriously lessen my enjoyment of the game.
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Postby 1crazycanuk » Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:23 pm

Coffee..but the challenge is to have good enough pure "R" relievers where it wouldn't matter what HAL does. Right?
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