For those of you born after 1960...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:04 pm

And not from the Major NY Metro area - That used to be the catch phrase on the radio for his soft drink. Yogi says - "Mee Hee For Yoo HOO." anyone here remember that?
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How simple...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:05 pm

Life used to be... :roll:
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:14 pm

Thank God you answered that for us Rob cause I was starting to wonder what you were smoking and where I could get some?? LOL!
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Anyone wishing to participate in a 2006...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:52 pm

LOTO WARMUP LEAGUE prior to the Invitational Tournament is welcome to add their name to the new 2006 thread. All former LOTO Players are welcome... :) Robert(SWP)
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Congrats to Stoney and AT...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sat Mar 18, 2006 2:57 am

Still don't know who won the Central yet...

It has been a truly fun season for me and perhaps my biggest or 2nd biggest comeback since inception...I am, however a bit annoyed with HAL in the last series, tho...In game 160, hAL leaves Embree, an R1 in for 6 2/3 innings - giving up 15 hits and 10 runs(Didn't even count the walks) with my other 3 RP's on the bench...Geez, do you think he got a little fatigued?!! Then adding insult to injury, HAL brings him in to pitch the 12th inning of game 161(Still fatigued, I am guessing) so he can deliver a Beachball for Lowell to launch into Puget Friggin Sound.

Had HAL managed my pen a little differently, I may have had a chance to win 1 of those 2 games - which is all i needed to be starting the 1st round at Shea instead of Safeco.

OK, done with my little rant...but you have to admit, Embree's overuse with the pen I nhave is a little unnerving...

GL in the post everyone...Robert :wink:
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:14 am

Congrats to all the winners yadda, yadda, yadda...

Ok, time for what I really came to rant about...Yup! You guessed it, it's time for me to have another rant about my latest 80's team.

Can this team possibly find more ways to lose?! We are 12 series into the season and my team has won 1, count it [b:0d499544ec]1[/b:0d499544ec] series! I have put together this unbelievably good defensive (and a pretty gosh darn good offensive team to boot) and yet we lead the league in errors and UNearned runs?! My e4 catcher has already committed [b:0d499544ec]6[/b:0d499544ec] errors in the first 36 games?!?!?!
It's driving me totally batty! Error wise my worst guy is my 3b M. Schmidt is an e20, I've got 1 and 2s everywhere, the team damn near leads the league in ERA and yet this team can't buy a break! [b:0d499544ec]UGH!!!![/b:0d499544ec] :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sorry fellas but I just had to rant and get it off my chest. :roll:
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Postby bigmahon » Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:35 am

Congrats to the playoff teams, and especially AT who held me off in the end.

Tyber, post a link to that 80s team, will ya? I'd love to check it out. :wink:
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:58 am

Ok Big M...Couple slight corrections. I forgot that I had moved my 1 1b and added a 3 1b. Also my pitching staff took a hit over the last couple series which dropped us abit in the ERA dept. My bad! :oops:

Here's the link though:
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Postby bigmahon » Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:16 am

Tyber, a couple of observations:

[b:3a81f099af]Bullpen[/b:3a81f099af]: your worst relievers are pitching the most innings. Not good. Looks like you have Quiz set to close, but I would try to change the settings to max out his innings. He costs the most, so he should pitch the most.

[b:3a81f099af]2B[/b:3a81f099af]: Why does Doran have so few ABs? Injury? Recent acquistion?

[b:3a81f099af]Baker[/b:3a81f099af]: Don't like him at all. Consider swapping him for someone with more pop.

[b:3a81f099af]Slugging[/b:3a81f099af]: You don't have enough.

In general, you need to fix your bullpen and swap out a few of your everyday guys to improve your team OPS. If you leave this team alone it will continue to lose. :(

However, it looks like you got lucky with your SP cards, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Can I have a link to the FAs?
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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:22 am

I don't understand HAL's use of the pen at all? Quis isn't set to close and yet HAL almost never uses him! I agree with you on Baker, I wasn't thrilled with him either but I had a hard time finding anyone else I liked since I was trying to go very defensive minded in a division of mainly pitcher's parks. Doran and Hargrove and Lemon were recent acquisitions for failing C. Cooper, M. Barrett, and F. Lynn cards. Maybe I just got too narrowminded in going for defense? I'm not great at posting links but let me see if I can't post the FA list.

Last edited by ANDREWLAITURI on Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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