[b:98986d209f]Edit: Session over. Transcript follows![/b:98986d209f]
[b:98986d209f]Live Q&A session with Bernie[/b:98986d209f]
Friday, March 17, 2006, 2-3pm ET
In order to properly welcome you to the new season, this Friday I'll be hosting a live session from 2-3pm ET where you can ask me whatever you want and I'll try to answer as many of your questions as I can.
[b:98986d209f]A little about what I do, who I am[/b:98986d209f] (so you know what I'll be able to talk about):
I'm the main designer and developer of SOM Online.
I'm not the creator of the original SOM board game or computer game.
I'm not a customer service representative.
I'm a lifelong New Yorker, former Yankee fan, and current die-hard Brewers fan.
I have the 2 cutest 8-month-old twins in history, a boy and a girl.
[b:98986d209f]How the Q&A session works[/b:98986d209f]
Send your member name, comments and questions to [i:98986d209f](email address now defunct)[/i:98986d209f]. I'll pick appropriate questions, and publish my reply to them as individual posts to this thread. I'll have exclusive posting access to this thread, to keep it clean and legible. To follow along with the proceedings, you'll have to reload the thread to see if a new answer has been posted.
And that's it! If it's a success, I'll be having some more of these, periodically. Thanks!