by Ninersphan » Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:07 am
This came up in NAKL so I thought I'd post it here as well in case anyone of you were wondering:
Well, here is what I was planning:
1. I'll send the league the preliminary fielding ratings via e-mail once they are posted.
( Strat was supposed to have these posted yesterday, but their "New, Improved" website crashed and has been down for the last 24 hours or so. :cry: )
2. That e-mail will contain a request for comfirmation of league participation for the upcoming season.
3. Once I have confirmations, begin search for replacement owners if necessary.
4. After the Holidays- send out e-mail with up to date rosters asking everyone to begin thinking about their cuts for the upcoming Spring Free Agent draft
5. After the ratings Book & Disk are released (Usually late January), send out another e-mail with a hard date for cuts, and asking preference for Pre- TSN relase for the draft date or post realse for the draft date. ( I believe this group prefers PRE, but I always like to give the option.)
6. Shortly after cuts are finalized, (Mid February??) , send out a players available spreadsheet to the league along with a firm draft date.
7. Depnding on draft date, hold the draft on the boards.
8. Somtime in late March after TSN launches the new season-Play ball :D
Hope this schedule works for everyone.