1999 Auction League - chat

Postby Paul_Long71 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:26 pm

I coach H.S. Basketball and we're in a tournament from Dec 28-31st and would be unavailable.
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Postby JMP1 » Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:13 pm

[quote:720708e832="litangel"]A wild holiday idea -

What do you think of trying to find a 6 hour period when we can all be online, and have 15 minute bid maximums rather than 24 hours, just for those 6 hours.
This has gone a long time, and we could blow through almost a month's bidding in 6 hours.
It might be challenging cause of the different time zones, but I bet we could pull it off.
I could be available any day between Christmas and New year's between 7am and 1am Pacific Coast Time[/quote:720708e832]

I would be in favor of 3 hours.
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Postby kptnfmrs » Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:05 pm

Sorry, guys but I don't think I would be able to participate, either.

I was even going to suggest a Christmas hiatus, but decided against that.

The live auction sounds fun, but aren't there live auction leagues from time to time?

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Postby CATom » Fri Dec 18, 2009 8:23 pm

ok by me - west coast :)

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Postby gorshar » Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:11 pm

As I posted in the 2008 auction:

Six hours could be difficult because of the time differences, but I could probably handle three hours.

Best time for me is usually my morning (your night) or early afternoon, but 2 pm here is 2 am in New York so that's probably out.
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Postby gorshar » Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:55 pm

I’m posting this first to all the existing auctions.

A new auction idea….

Set: ATG5
Guidelines: The usual, $80 mil to bid, $200 mil salary ceiling. DH. No players drops, trades, etc. Unique stadiums must be bid for. 10% or 500K minimum.

But here’s the twist…

Closed bidding.

Players are nominated through the usual procedure, but this is the twist - you nominate a player you don’t want. Than all other owners have 24 hours to e-mail you (or PM, we can decide which to use later) a single bid. The highest bid gets the player which is announced by the nominating owner. The winner than makes the next nomination, again nominating somebody they don’t want and will receive the bids. In the event of a tie, the two (or three or whatever) owners have to resubmit a bid higher than their previous bid.

So what happens if you nominate a player (or stadium) that nobody wants? You have to take the player (or stadium) for yourself at the minimum 10%/500K bid. This point is subject to discussion if anyone has a better idea, but I think it would help move things along and also, one, discourage garbage nominations and two, create opportunities later for great deals… coupled with a bit of the unknown…. Hmm, will somebody bid on xxxx or do I get him for nothing…?

I guess the only problem might be if there is a player everybody wants, but I think even in the case of Babe Ruth there would be at least one owner not that interested.

This would of course be a faster auction, about two months instead of six.

What do you think?

This has been posted to Winter ATG4, 2008, 1999, and 1969 auction threads.
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Postby MIKEARCHAMBAULT » Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:07 am

I would go for it in a heartbeat....Mike
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:32 am

i think this is a great idea, faster seems great to me at this point. I have never played ATG so I might not participate, but would do it in any year I have experience.

Gorshar, what do you think of converting the 1999 league to this new system now? I think the 2008 league is so far along, it makes sense to finish, but I would be in favor of converting 1999.
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Postby gorshar » Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:58 am

I would agree to convert, but I think in fairness to all, it should be only done if all 12 of us agree to it.

So then...

Agree or not to convert to the proposed ATGV auction format as outlined above. First "NO" stops the poll.

1. litangel - YES
2. Paul_Long71
3. gorshar - YES
4. ldanred
5. ironwill1
6. billings ballers
7. miduar
8. kptnfmrs
9. Mike Lopp
10. CA Tom
11. JMP1
12. getowtamypot

Also, as for the ATGV auction, I'm going to leave it open to discussion for a few more days in case any one suggests some alternative ideas and then I will run a sign-up sheet here on the boards later.
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:15 am

no. I'm against making a change this big mid-auction. Sorry.

I do love the concept and would love to be in an auction with that format (from the beginning).

1. litangel - YES
2. Paul_Long71-NO
3. gorshar - YES
4. ldanred
5. ironwill1
6. billings ballers
7. miduar
8. kptnfmrs
9. Mike Lopp
10. CA Tom
11. JMP1
12. getowtamypot
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