I do not know him personally, but have played this game with him in many leagues. I sent him a message via e-mail referencing the issue in the ATG IV draft and our concern.
He responded:
Thanks for the kind note
Yes I will be continuing to proceed with the 2 1969 leagues, I am not checking in each day onthe boards and when it is time to load may need a couple of days if that is ok.
Taking this at face value (notwithstanding the other issues in the other leagues), I am inclined to trust his word here. But that may be naive on my part. I offered the opportunity to own-up and tell us if he needed to drop and he didn't.
I don't want to throw this draft into a morass (I would never get Carew again for 10M), but respect the concern and think we need to simply come up with a plan "B" in the event ldan doesn't ultimately follow-through and join. Personally, I feel he will join.
Plan "B" (from outer space):
Option 1. Seek a replacement owner when it is clear Dan is not joining - allow them to fill in the roster Dan bought, with theri choice to supplement (the only incentive really)
Option 2. I like sneeze's idea, as it enables us to continue and give ldan a chance to join, as he has said he will. I will e-mail him again and ask him to get bidding. But if he doesn't for some reason, maybe the best idea is to take sneeze up on his offer, fill the roster the best we can to get close to the cap with the appropriate number of P and H, then perhaps fill him into a division randomly (i.e. do a single number 1-12 pick and slide him in that hole, moving everyone else down a notch - or redrawing for divisions altogether). This may give three teams an advantage, but it at least does so randomly.
I do not like the start over ideas - that should be a last resort - we can do another auction after this league is done and start over then. I respect the logic driving that, just don't have the heart to throw this team away! :shock: