by bigmahon » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:37 am
[b:b42f272225]A few other comments regarding board drafts[/b:b42f272225]
1. Please manage your money carefully! We all know that Penn's site does this for us, but we don't have that luxury here. The general rule is that drops are [b:b42f272225]not allowed[/b:b42f272225] as a result of poor cash management.
2. Make sure that everyone you live draft goes on your draft card. This has always been the rule in any draft, but it's worth a reminder here, especially in light of point #1.
3. I am available every day for proxies, but only until 7pm EST. That's when the Internet gets turned off in England. :wink:
4. Have fun, and try to avoid mindlessly badgering one another. Some of my worst SOM experiences have been during live drafts on the boards. Fortunately, I don't see any of the primary culprits on our list. :lol:
Good luck everyone! BTW, I took ARod. :D