Pete Rose

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Pete Rose

Postby padrenurgle1 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:27 am


So Rose is one of the VERY rare 70s guys that appears to have no weak card. You pay a slight premium to get him, and you supposedly know what you're getting. He's a switch hitter with no balance issues, he should be able to bang singles off everyone. Nothing earthshattering, just consistent goodness. Right?

What's the worst season you've seen him turn in? I built a team in the Astrodome around high AVG/OBP with no power, and he was the poster boy. Now he's the potty boy. I expect a slight downturn in offense in the Astrodome for a singles hitter, but not this.

Hi "worst" season is and E .302-.362-.421.
After 30 games and 120 AB he is .217-.299-.272.

I want to kick him to the curb so badly, but there is just nothing on there in LF to replace his sorry gambling caboose.

Any thoughts?
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Postby LMBombers » Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:04 am

Don Buford, Lou Brock, Billy North, Jose Cruz
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Postby JONCHUCKERY » Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:41 am

Rose is a strange bird in that he always either overperforms or underperforms for me. I've had Rose hit .270 in Fenway and also had him hit .320+ with 100+RBI in Royals. Rose is of course another player missing at least one of his best seasons of the 70's (his MVP 1973) which is prob why he is ony in 6.5mil range.

There are though plenty of guys who could fill the #1 or #2 batting spot...Griffey, Garr, Oliver to add to the list
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Postby padrenurgle1 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:03 am

Good suggestions, but this is a league with a lot of accomplished managers. Only 30 games in, and all those guys have been captured or rejected already. In fact I've cycled through Cruz and Griffey myself already :)
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Postby chess2899 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:58 am

You are having bad die rolls. Things will get better over the season and he may be on fire if you get to the playoffs. Remember, it is all about the die rolls and odds favor improvement.

Keep him!
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Postby YountFan » Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:13 pm

Rose is a good guy to have because he can hit at the top of the order and play many positions with good fielding. He is a keeper.
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Postby seanreflex » Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:48 pm

In addition to playing many positions and hitting at the top of the order, as the esteemed YountFan has pointed out, he can always help you make a few extra bucks with the oddsmakers with his inside bets! :wink:

For the $6 mill players, he is a good one. Bobby Murcer is another that I've had some great success with.

And for the $4 - $5 mill players, I'm curious who people like. I love Luzinski & Brock; who else?

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Postby JONCHUCKERY » Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:58 pm

[quote:4f12c16f17="chess2899"]You are having bad die rolls. Things will get better over the season and he may be on fire if you get to the playoffs. Remember, it is all about the die rolls and odds favor improvement.

Keep him![/quote:4f12c16f17]

I'd be careful about that...look at the thread about Reggie Jackson I started a while back and pull the link of my team up. Reggie on his .925 OPS card ended up barely above .240 and in the playoffs went 1-11 in 3 games with no HRs, RBI, or RS!
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Never tried Rose

Postby Larryrickenbacker » Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:03 pm


As much as yours truly likes switch-hitters, it's odd that I'v never had Pete Rose on any of my teams. Seems like he's never around after the 3rd round or so and I usually have other guys I prefer to draft in the first 3 rounds..


PS: For under $6 mil, Joe Rudi proved a pleasant surprise the only time I had him. Lotsa Doubles and great "D".
Last edited by Larryrickenbacker on Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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For some reason I just can't use Pete Rose...

Postby Outta Leftfield » Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:54 pm

I know its silly because he's just an electronic "card," but the real life Rose, banned from baseball and in my opinion rightly so, gives me the creeps--and I just can't touch his card. Players, or worse yet managers, betting on baseball is a huge taboo for me. I find I can't use the Black Sox in ATG, either.

Anyone else have these kind of issues--where your real life feelings about a player affect your use of the card? One friend of mine refuses to use Darryl Strawberry, but I have no qualms about using it. In fact Straw is one of my favorite players. I do feel queasy about Canseco, but I have used him a few times. I'm not sure how I'll feel about the rest of the steroid generation if we ever get a Mystery card game that goes that far forward. I think I'd have a lot of trouble using Barry Bonds, at least in the later years.

On the other hand, I really like Ken Singleton as a person, and also liked his style as a player, plus he's now a terrific announce. Moreover, his cards in both the 70s and 80s look very good to me so I use him a lot. I'd probably use him anyway, but the fact that I really like him in real life probably helps.

I don't think I tend to use players from my favorite teams any more than others, but I maybe other people do?

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack the thread, but emotional responses to players and their cards does seem like a significant aspect of the game, and Rose raises strong emotions for me.
Outta Leftfield
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