Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s


Postby bradtheiconkopp » Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:48 pm

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To: All
From: Scary Asses

Subject: this is bogus crap
Date: Monday 03/08/2010 12:46 PM

tournaments rules and rankings are stupid as hell. I am placing lower
than some teams with no sense. I won my 80s title in the first league.
The guy I beat won 22 more games in the 70s but neither of us made
the playoff . However I beat him handily in the world series. Yet he is
ranked in the top ten and I am in the 30's.

Also one team at least in the top ten has not even made a playoff in
either. Its bogus. To think losing 22 more games in one league is more
important than winning a title...CRAP CRAP CRAP.

There has been 10 leagues played....Wouldnt it be sufficient to say these
10 should be in the top so far. I wouldnt care if I was behind other
champs with better league records than me in other league. But I will not
settle to be behind teams that havent even won their league yet. I am
better than them.....this is bogus...I am extremely upset.
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Postby voovits » Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:25 pm

You were aware of the rules when you signed up.
...and 84-55 is not 22, it's 29. 29 points is a huge difference. Your defeat over him in the WS only makes up for 10 of those points, in which you currently lost 5 of those 10 points as he has 5 more wins than you in round 3.
Speaking of round 3, is your bitterness toward your poor performance in round 1 the reason why your round 3 draft card was almost an exact copy of the players on the roster of my 105 win team in round 1. The only player on my final league 1 roster who you didn't put on your league 3 draft card was Hendrick.

Anyway, the bottom line is when you signed up for the tournament, the rules were clearly stated. Everyone plays by the same rules. The tournament is not just about championships, luck is a huge factor in the playoffs so in my opinion it's not fair to just include championships as the only determining factor for the standings.
The standings are determined by overall performance throughout all 4 leagues. There is plenty of time for you to climb back up in the standings, and into the top 12. Likewise, there is plenty of time for myself, or any others currently in the top 12 to fall out of it.
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Postby bradtheiconkopp » Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:16 pm

listen voovits. I am not disputing that I had a crappy 70's team in round one. Bottom line in my opinion there is 10 champions ( winners of the league). Those people should be in the top not a bunch of bottom feeders who consistently play .500 or a tad above. And what are you talking about copying your team. How many titles do you have? Show me your team that is exactly like mine? I can prove that is a quick lie.

I love your key words. That drove up huge laughter in my office from all my coworkers. Tournament is not about championships. I PLAY TO WIN THE LEAGUE. Not fart around to win just enough to be mediocre to be in your top 12 tournament. If my team doesnt stand a chance, I dump it and concentrate on what teams can get my my free credits & titles. Obviously you are on board to find out who the luckiest person is not the best. Well I will admit im not nowhere near the best in the rotten 70's game but I could smoke you 2 ways from sunday anytime anywhere in the 80's but hey maybe u could celebrate a 82-80 season because in your tournament thats AWESOME!!!!
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An outside perspective

Postby Panzer ace » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:02 pm

As an uninvolved observer I understand Brads venting. The only reason to play in any league is to try to win. (It dont mean a thing if ya dont get that RING). That being said, this is not a one league tournament. This is a multi-league event. Part of the appeal or lure is that one bad team doesnt kill your chances. It would seem to me, that for a tournament like this to work, a manager must have a chance to make a significant move up in the last league. If too many managers are elliminated (because they didnt win a championship) in the first 2 leagues...why would they continue to play?

I think that what voovits was saying is that the tournament is not just about winning the priliminary leagues. You have to recognize overall performance in a short tournament like this. Maybe the points for a championship should be different (thats an discussion for the next time), but they were established and agreed upon for this one. Afterall, how much should a championship count in a tournament like this? Does it erase all the sins of a 100 loss team? One manager makes the playoffs all 4 leagues but loses in the semi-finals. Another manager wins a championship but misses the playoffs in the other 3. Maybe with a 100 loss team or two. Who really deserves to make the final round? I am not offering my personal opinion, but in this tourney, clearly the consistent winner of games would get the nod.

I understand Brad's frustration. He is a competitor and wants to win. I dont think you can fairly call the managers currently ahead of you 'bottom feeders who consistently play .500 or a tad above.' When I look at the current standings I see a bunch of 'stud managers' above you(and still more behind you!). Most of those managers have great winning %s and many, many rings. Those managers deserve more respect than that.

The good news is that the tourney isnt over. Thanks to the format, Brad can dominate in the 80's as he says he will and if he is just average in the 70's, he has a great chance to make the final round.
Panzer ace
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Postby YountFan » Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:24 pm

Wise words from the one and only Panzer Ace.
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Postby echo22 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:10 pm

This is my 2nd full year of playing the tournament (I was a replacement 1 year with no chance of advancing) and I think the format is about as fair as it can be. You advance (or don't advance) based on the cumulative performance of your 4 teams. If you win one WS but the other three teams are crappy you won't make the Final 12. However if you have four playoff teams and fail to win a championship you *might* still squeak in. The preliminary rounds will have 20 winners and all won't get in unless a bunch of managers win 2 or more titles which is unlikely based on the quality of managers in this tourney.

The bottom line is you can't quit on any team as each victory counts. Having one bad season (and my first 80's team sucked) puts a lot of pressure on the last two rounds but moodywoody came back from the bottom to reach the Top 12 last year so it can be done.

And if it's all about luck why are a lot of the same managers in contention every year?

Personally I think it takes more skill to make the playoffs than to win a WS. Why? You have to perform over 162 games. In the playoffs all teams are good and anyone can win in a short series, especially if a key player or two go down. A short series is more about luck.

Anyway I'm enjoying the tournament. I doubt I'll make the Final 12 again this year but I won't go down without a fight!
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Postby voovits » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:21 pm

[quote:c99fc0403c="bradtheiconkopp"] And what are you talking about copying your team. How many titles do you have? Show me your team that is exactly like mine? I can prove that is a quick lie. [/quote:c99fc0403c]

League 1 of the tournament. We were both in the same league

Now, lets consult the draft results of league 3.
Your team: "Praying For 81 Wins"
For reference, you could see for yourself right here:
For those who can not see, I have copied out the important parts:

Player Team Result Substitute Player
Auerbach, Rick 26 drafted
Auerbach, Rick Spies received substitute: Michael, Gene
[b:c99fc0403c]Auerbach, Rick 81 Wins received substitute: Reynolds, Craig[/b:c99fc0403c]
[b:c99fc0403c]Burleson, Rick 81 Wins drafted [/b:c99fc0403c]
Burleson, Rick Spies received substitute: Belanger, Mark
Burleson, Rick Killers received substitute: Fregosi, Jim
Casanova, Paul Spies drafted
Casanova, Paul express25 received substitute: Correll, Vic
[b:c99fc0403c]Casanova, Paul 81 Wins received substitute: Kendall, Fred[/b:c99fc0403c]
[b:c99fc0403c]Cromartie, Warren 81 Wins drafted[/b:c99fc0403c]
Cromartie, Warren Spies received substitute: Mota, Manny
Folkers, Rich Spies drafted
Folkers, Rich Jaguars received substitute: Barlow, Mike
[b:c99fc0403c]Folkers, Rich 81 Wins received substitute: York, Jim[/b:c99fc0403c]
[b:c99fc0403c]Grich, Bobby 81 Wins drafted [/b:c99fc0403c]
Grich, Bobby Rocheforts received substitute: Randolph, Willie
[b:c99fc0403c]Killebrew, Harmon 81 Wins drafted [/b:c99fc0403c]
Killebrew, Harmon Cunundrums received substitute: Mayberry, John
Kingman, Dave Filthies drafted
[b:c99fc0403c]Kingman, Dave 81 Wins received substitute: Thompson, Jason[/b:c99fc0403c]
Krausse, Lew Jr. Spies drafted
Krausse, Lew Jr. Jaguars received substitute: Broberg, Pete
Krausse, Lew Jr. Pandas received substitute: Freisleben, Dave
[b:c99fc0403c]Krausse, Lew Jr. 81 Wins received substitute: Spillner, Dan[/b:c99fc0403c]
Laroche, Dave Spies drafted
[b:c99fc0403c]Laroche, Dave 81 Wins received substitute: Rodriguez, Ed[/b:c99fc0403c]
Marichal, Juan Spies drafted
[b:c99fc0403c]Marichal, Juan 81 Wins received substitute: Andujar, Joaquin[/b:c99fc0403c]
Marichal, Juan Pandas received substitute: Downing, Al
Marichal, Juan Rocheforts received substitute: Goltz, Dave
Nelson, Roger Spies drafted
[b:c99fc0403c]Nelson, Roger 81 Wins received substitute: Hough, Charlie[/b:c99fc0403c]
Nelson, Roger Rocheforts received substitute: Tekulve, Kent
[b:c99fc0403c]Scott, Tony 81 Wins drafted [/b:c99fc0403c]
Scott, Tony Hakers received substitute: Brye, Steve
Tyson, Mike 26 drafted
[b:c99fc0403c]Tyson, Mike 81 Wins received substitute: Taveras, Frank[/b:c99fc0403c]
[b:c99fc0403c]Williams, Walt 81 Wins drafted [/b:c99fc0403c]
Williams, Walt Spies received substitute: Clines, Gene
Williams, Walt Cunundrums received substitute: Marshall, Dave
Williams, Walt 26 received substitute: Wohlford, Jim
Wilson, Bill Spies drafted
[b:c99fc0403c]Wilson, Bill 81 Wins received substitute: Eastwick, Rawly[/b:c99fc0403c]

That's 16 players right there that you at least tried to draft.
Out of the other 9 players:
Fisk and Oliva are still on your team.
Rau had accumulated stats for your team before you dropped him.
Forsch, Leonard, Garman, Almon and Perez were successfully drafted to your team during the autodraft, but were dropped by you before the season started.
As I said, the only player you did not attempt to draft was Hendrick, probably because you wanted to spend all the money, because the CF you drafted was more expensive.
Bottom line, if you would have gotten all your draft picks from the autodraft, you would have had 24/25 players from my roster in league 1.

There is your proof. It's one thing to get upset over something trivial like a game, but blatant lying is totally uncalled for.

Speaking of the game:
If my team doesnt stand a chance, I dump it and concentrate on what teams can get my my free credits & titles.

Perhaps that's your strategy, but when I play, especially if I know that each win equals a point in the standings, I never give up and completely abandon a team. I always try to get as many wins as possible. I must say you don't exactly have the wisest of strategies in a tournament like this.

Having said all this, it was not my intent to start an argument and I apologize for getting involved. My biggest issue was the team copying, which I never had a problem with in the first place, but when I jokingly made a reference to it in a PM though the league message board I got blown off like I was a lunatic. If it would have just been admitted, I probably would have kept my nose out of this thread. After all, as I told Chess, imitation is the highest form of flattery.
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Postby bradtheiconkopp » Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:10 am

To be honest , I really dont care what you say. I look at you as mindless moron who is so obsessed that you look at every league and know all the teams by heart. You can call it devoted, I call it pathetic. In Fact until you mentioned it, I didnt even know who you were and that you were in a league with me before. I figured it had to be a 70s because if it was a 80's you would be humbled like the dog poo you are. But your right I suck in 70s and grabbed some ideas from the winning teams. However I must have noticed in your own words that you LUCKED out so I dropped all your crappy ideas. I got 2 players you had on your LUCKY team.

Also if I want strategy tips from you, I will ask for them. Just to let you know I havent looked at my 2nd 70s team in over a week. I will win another 80s title and probably still get left out in the cold in the top 12. After all championships are overrated , RIGHT. Anyway I got lots of free credits to use from my title. I will let you get back to obsessing over everyones roster in leagues you arent even. Have fun withdrawing $24.95 from your 401 k to play in another stratio.
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Postby voovits » Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:27 am

[quote:88fc24bc40="bradtheiconkopp"]To be honest , I really dont care what you say. I look at you as mindless moron who is so obsessed that you look at every league and know all the teams by heart. You can call it devoted, I call it pathetic.

I will let you get back to obsessing over everyones roster in leagues you arent even.[/quote:88fc24bc40]

I keep my number of teams to a minimum, so remembering the players I have from my most recent teams, especially considering that team had the best regular season of any other team I ever had, is not out of the ordinary.
You are in both 70s leagues with me, so I'm not obsessing over everyones roster in leagues I "arent even".

The ironic part of this was that my original PM to you in the league was just out of fun, I never was and never will be upset at it, I just didn't like your reply to me and I've just been wanting you to admit that you did it.
There is nothing wrong with copying a previously successful roster, just don't lie about it.

I have no problems with you as a person or a strat manager and I apologize for offending you.
Good luck to you the rest of the way.
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:38 am

This is a 70's AND 80's tourny combined. You have to do pretty well in both to advance. This is not an 80's tourny alone. Every victory counts in both games. If you know you have a bad team but work on it to get to 70 victories instead of giving up and taking only 60 wins the difference in the effort you put in is like winning a championship with a playoff team. 10 points is 10 points.
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