Awright, manager #12! Welcome aboard, manleeman.
Based on the most recent lottery results for 3-digit games as shown at this morning, here is the draft order:
1. Lumbercompanysouth - FL - 084
2. CATom - CA - 094
3. MANLEEMAN - NJ - 098
4. ironwill1 - CT - 138
5. ggrover - TX - 169
6. joekendall - NY - 184
7. tcochran - AZ - 383
8. herge - IL - 552
9. killermarc - GA - 620
10. jflatour99 - MA - 639*
11. padrenurgle - WA - 701
12. JMP 1 - PA - 744
* No 3-digit lottery results available; these are 1st 3 digits of most recent lottery winner (6392)