by The Jerk Store » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:23 pm
I didn't see where we had decided how to break ties, so here is what I did (let me know if we did decide how to break ties and I just missed it): First tie-breaker is head-to-head, second is EXP W/L (none of our ties came to the 2nd tie-braker). The 4 playoff teams get the last 4 picks regardless or record. The two semi-final series losers are ranked by record (and if tied go to the tiebrakers), final game loser is 11th and champion is 12th. Let me know if you agree/disagree with my rankings.
1. N Texas Widowmakers
2. 13Baseballs
3. warrenbob2
4. gorshar
5. Dukie98
6. Zimharry
7. jet40
8. gfdwarf07
9. BobBoone
10. joekendall
11. Aray0113
12. getowtamypot