Position League Draft

Postby novie » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:23 am

GUys is there a consensus what we are doing with Steve's picks... personally, I see no reason to pass him up as we are not going to get started on Monday anyway. Knowing Steve he will make picks as soon as he possibly can... he may even have someone scouting it out for him so he can get them submitted. He's not that sane afterall!!!! :wink:
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Postby sdajr76 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:26 am


[b:dc16758a0b]Looking to make a deal to pick up an extra 12th round pick!![/b:dc16758a0b]

Will trade a pick in DH round or player trade.... or combo

Players I have: Yount, Frisch, Ott, Ju Wilson, Rickey, Mackey, E Howard, Mize,

Hit me off with a pm


[b:dc16758a0b]only one pick per manager per round. i am not okay with managers trading a pick in one round to get 2 picks in another round.[/b:dc16758a0b]

trading draft position is one thing, trading picks across rounds is something else all together. sometimes the draft sucks, walk it off.

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Postby novie » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:35 am

Seriously sda... get a grip. It takes a little bit to push my buttons, but you are succeeding. Like I stated before, the question was asked of the COMMISH by me regarding picks being traded several days ago and was told it was fine. This is the second time you have whined about trades being made, etc. It's a live draft pal, and people trade picks, players, swap, etc... it's called trying to have a strategy and being willing to make moves when other things don't work.

I'm sorry you're "not okay" with it.... quite frankly I don't care "what" you are okay with... tough sh*t.... walk that off.
Last edited by novie on Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby nymets99 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:37 am

As per Steve's picks , i am ok with waiting until he is back to make my pick in the dh round. I agree as this league is not going to start until the following monday anyway. As for novie trading out of one round , or trading a drafted player to get 2 picks, what is the big deal anyway. As long as he has 12 drafted players that must remain on his roster. What is to stop him from making a trade with someone and just ask them to make selection than announce trade once draft is finished. Its pretty much the same thing. If he any players that i really wanted i would probably have considered trading my # 2 selection in round 12 but i not all that interested in his drafting strategy!! :lol:
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Postby novie » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:43 am

[quote:d825fae78b]but i not all that interested in his drafting strategy!! [/quote:d825fae78b]

Considering how inept my drafting has been, no one in their right mind would be!!! Unless as a lesson as to what not to do. :lol:
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Postby sdajr76 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:50 am

[quote:6257caf6e8="LoopsandRolls"]I re-read the original thread, plus this one.

We signed up to:

[b:6257caf6e8]Draft a player at each of 12 positions in the draft[/b:6257caf6e8]
Never drop that player
Play the player at any eligible position
We may trade these players

140m dh[/quote:6257caf6e8]


these are the rules for the league we signed up for. Steve has said nothing about changing it on the thread, and i think if he wants to change it after the draft has started it should be voted on as usual.

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Postby novie » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:25 pm

Can you NOT read... where does it say that we can't trade picks? Where does it say you can't have more than one pick in a round?

I specifically asked the COMMISH in a pm and he responded yes we can make trades.

I just realized something... it makes sense now. Your sniping has less to do with the trading as it does to the fact that you are still smarting over the comment I made about someone choosing SS in the second round to take Wagner when you could have chosen 2B (Hornsby... most dominant player in the set at his given position) or CF and had Mantle.

Sorry, sda, wasn't personal, just rather I said out loud what many others were thinking. As seen by the selection of the next two rounds.

My bad.
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Postby sdajr76 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:38 pm

i wasn't going to say anything, but you are being a d!ck.

i was simply stating that the original setup was that every manager must select a player for the position designated for that round in every round.

i understand that it is acceptable to trade your #4 pick in the 7th round and your #10 pick in the 9th round for someone else's picks in those rounds. however, you must select the position designated in both rounds. you are simply trading places.

i could careless what you want to say to/about me over the internet. i simply ask that you at least act like an adult.

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Postby ratioman2 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:43 pm

Imagine Steve, looking for relaxing diversion, asking his wife to read him the posts on these boards, and hearing all this!

I'm fine with waiting for Steve to get better to make his picks. I'm in no rush (I just ask that people check in periodically so we do eventually finish).

How about a DH pick?
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Postby modmark46 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:44 pm

PLAYERS CHOSEN, ALPHABETICALLY: H. Aaron, B. Adams, P. Alexander, D. Allen, R. Alomar, J. Bagwell, F. Baker, E. Banks, J. Beckwith, J. Bench, C. Bender, Y Berra. J, Blanchard, W. Boggs, Barry Bonds, Bobby Bonds, L. Boudreau, G. Brett, M. Brown, W. Brown, R. Campanella, R. Carew, G. Carter, N. Cash, C Cedeno, O. Charleston, J. Clark, T. Cobb, M Cochrane, E. Collins, R. Conner, E. delahanty, b. Dickey, J. Dimaggio, D. Drysdale, Eckersley, G. Foster, J. Foxx, N. Fox, F. Frisch, L. Gehrig, C. Gehringer, B. Gibson, J. Gordon, G. Goslin, H. Greenberg, P. Guerrero, C. Hafey, Tom Hall, Hartnett, H. Helimann, R. Henderson, W. Hernandez, R. Hornsby, E. Howard, Joe Jackson, T. Jackson, O. Johnson, W. Johnson, A. Joss, R. Kiner, C. Klein, S. Koufax, N. Lajoie, B. Leonard, Pop Lloyd, B. Mackey, G. Maddux, M. Mantle, R. Maris, E. Mathews, C. Mathewson, D. Mattingly, M. May, W. Mays, W. McCovey, M. McGwire, J. Mize, J. Morgan, T. Munson, S. Musial, M. Ott, R. Petrocelli, Pfeister, M. Piazza, K. Puckett, Ripken, Rizzuto, B. Robinson, F. Robinson, B. Ruth, Sandberg, M. Schmidt, A. Simmons, G. Sisler, C. Smith, D. Snider, T. Speaker, B. Sutter, M. Suttles, W. Stargell, T. Stearns, H. Steinfeld, F. Thomas, A. Trammell, H. Wagner, E. Walsh, P. Waner, W. Wells, H. Wilhelm, T. Williams, H. Wilson, Jud Wilson, C. Yastrzemski, R. Yount,

ROUND 10 - RP (Only)
8. SteveAmes - Dennis Eckersley
7. Bontomn - Wilhelm
6. LoopsandRolls - B. Sutter
3. Carr20 - W. Hernandez
4. Warrenbob52 -
5. Morpheus - (Proxies for RP: 1. B. Schultz, 2. D. Radatz)
2. sschu -
1. ratioman -
12. Sdajr 76 -
11. Novie -
10. Modmark -
9. NYMets99 -

Round 11 - DH
3. Carr20 - E. Delahanty
12. Sdajr 76 - Bobby Bonds, '73 (Proxy)
1. ratioman -
2. sschu -
11. Novie -
4. Warrenbob52 -
5. Morpheus -
6. LoopsandRolls -
7. Bontomn -
8. SteveAmes -
9. NYMets99 -
10. Modmark -

Round 12 - Any Pitcher (SP, RP, SP/RP)
10. Modmark - B. Adams, 1909
9. NYMets99 - Tom Hall, 1970
8. SteveAmes -
7. Bontomn -
6. LoopsandRolls -
5. Morpheus -
4. Warrenbob52 -
3. Carr20 -
2. sschu -
1. ratioman -
12. Sdajr 76 -
11. Novie -

The Draft sequence will be as follows:
RD 1: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
2: 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
3: 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6
4: 6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7
5: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4
6: 4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5
7: 2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3
8: 11,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,3,12,1,2
9: 9,10,3,12,1,2, 11,4,5,6,7,8
10: 8,7,6,3,4,5,2,1,12,11,10,9
11: 3,12,1,2, 11,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
12: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11
Last edited by modmark46 on Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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