I left proxies on but they didn't fire when Terry's 3 hrs was up. There is no manual way to do it that I see, so the 3 hr clock doesn't seem to work.
None pf the draft sites I know allow your proxies to load when someone else's 3 hours are up, that we have to do manually. The ideal is if we ALL use proxies!
Nothing to be gained by turning off the clock. I am not clear if Redbeards tried just making a pick, not trying to selelct off the proxy list, or not. If he tried that and it didn't work, let's contact Adrian, but I want to hear from Redbeards first.
Please don't drop anyone, at the old SOMO that caused no end to problems. We just need to be patient for Redbeards to try just picking a player. (or to hear if he has actually done that) and/or for Terry to make his pick.
Hi guys sorry I'm in and out today.
I tried to see if I could pick manual and the selection still said proxy instead of pick, the old site use to let you pick if other person timeed out.
I would have asked to do it on boards first, but didn't see any way to pick manual anyway.