by NEILKAHN » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:20 pm
Part of the strategy for the screw was based on choosing a lousy player, but also choosing a player to sub for the other team's star. So you might have to choose between a really awful Screw player, or perhaps a lesser awful player at a position occupied by the other team's best player. So it matters WHERE you place people in your lineup. If we do the subbing before the draft, it would be possible to not put a great player in the lineup initially, then after the substitution is made bring on the star, thus shielding him from being deleted. That was not my intention. That is why there was the minimum salary required for the initial draft. You had to put at least 123 million on your roster. It would be possible, I suppose, to still hide a great player and bring him on after the substitution is made, but at least you have exposed 123 million dollars of talent to the process.