by ROBERTLATORRE » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:10 pm
I promised myself that after my self imposed hiatus from TSN, that I would only post positive comments.
Oh well, time to hand in my chip and start over. I've been in a few of Jeep's leagues and have been in a number of leagues with TomSiebert, so I want to chime in as well.
I am in agreement with the opinion that these types of ads are out of place for a site I am paying $100/month for (1 5 pack per month). There is ad-space on the regular pages without having to pop up these forced click through ads.
Is it only one click and a few seconds every time it pops up? Yes, but for $100 per month I would expect that I wouldn't have to see these.
The introduction of these ads can be looked at a couple ways:
1) TSN needs these ads to make this site profitable. Combine that with the recent shutdown of the fantasy games, it does not look promising for our little game, which would stink.
2) TSN misjudged the customers expectation and tolerance for these types of ads and will pull them off.
3) TSN knew that there would be customer dissatisfaction but introduced them anyway to get the ad fees.
What's at stake financially? Depending on the ad service the site would receive a fee per 1000 times the ad pops up (anywhere from $1 to $5 per 1000, depends on a number of variables) and then another fee of 25 cents to $1 for every time someone actually clicks through on the ad to go to the advertisers site. These are ballpark numbers but will give you a general idea of the financial impact. This isn't my specific area of expertise.
At a minimum TSN could pick an ad service that would limit the popup ad to once per day per IP address.
This is a black-eye to the site in my opinion.