More than a few posts recently talking about rules loopholes, collusion, and such.
Just a suggestion, use the boards to recruit managers for private leagues with passwords. It might take a little longer to fill a league but you could filter out guys you know will try to win at all costs.
You'll almost NEVER have this problem in theme leagues, because the managers are familiar with each other. Managers looking to work the system won't join a league with a group of managers that are familiar with each other this because they wouldn't be anonymous and it they pulled this stuff, the theme league organizers would keep them out of any future leagues they run.
So if you want to start a league, post it on the board, recruit managers you're familiar with, and fill the open spots with managers that you don't know. You'll have a dialogue documented with them in the thread, and the anonymity will be gone.
Would this deter a newbie manager??? If I was a newbie and joined a league this way, I would feel good about getting into the league formed this way, definitely better than joining one with 11 random managers.
We've got a terrific group of managers in the mystery card leagues that fill and refill each others theme leagues, and it really adds to the enjoyment of the leagues. I can't tell you how many public leagues I've been in with no banter, trading, or interaction for the entire season.... BO-RING!!!!
Oh well, just a thought.
Fireproof racing suit on, ready for flaming!!