200/60 Keeper League- Year 4

Postby tcochran » Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:37 am

I agree with Rally Sally. I'd love to see the league get started and the delays have been very frustrating. On the other hand, I'm in for the long haul and this is still just April. We have plenty of time.

If the league does not fill tonight, it would probably be good to shop for replacement(s), right?
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Postby Terry101 » Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:39 am

Rally Sally, bbasebrawl, tcochran,

I appreciate your comments. Rally Sally has a good point; Ultimately it doesn't matter if we load for next week, but bbasebrawl is correct because of the past struggles with waiting to get things done. It is frustrating to keep checking in and having teams take 3-4days to load, etc. I am in it for the long haul- if only to get Kaviksdad's roster sheets. Talk about spending some time with this league.

I'll pm and email everyone and let's see where we are with loading the league. Then we can go forward with everyone or look for a replacement or two after we get everyone loaded.

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Postby nythawk129921 » Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:32 am

i will stick around for a bit longer
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Postby Rant » Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:02 am

OK, I loaded out the Central.

I'm not going anywhere, but it would be great to have managers who are at least reachable. I've held up drafts before, so I know stuff happens. But, if you're not committed enough to check in over the span of a week (particularly when it's known we're loading teams), you need to ask yourself whether you should be participating in a keeper league (or multiple keepers if that's the problem).

It is a long season, and we have plenty of time, I just don't want to spend most of that time checking in whether I need to load or am holding up other players interested in moving forward.

Anyhoo...good luck everyone; I know I'll need this year!
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Postby Rally Sally » Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:38 pm

We only need Cubit to finish up the league.
Rally Sally
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Postby Cubit » Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:39 pm

I thought that I had loaded my club the very first moment that my division was available. Indeed, I JUMPED RIGHT IN. I'd been sitting on the draft with a full roster for ever, just like most of you. Indeed, I believe I actually saw my club in the East at one point, but I never checked back, just assuming it was some other 'dead beat' or 'overwhelmed' manager holding us up. I have not been on these boards recently with too much going on in real life, but I have just barely kept my clubs in play.

I'd like to blame it all on my new iPad and MLB, but that probably would be disingenuous. Laziness was not the reason, nor was indifference, just trusting my intent and looking to do other business until we got going.

I apologize to you all for not having stayed on top of things and gotten us going. Thankfully, Marc thought to send me an email tonight, to which I responded as soon as I saw it.
Last edited by Cubit on Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Cubit » Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:44 pm

[quote:2ce03aabc5="bbasebrawl"][quote:2ce03aabc5="Terry101"]I can't believe we haven't loaded yet either. Two things. I understand your feelings. Why don't you wait and see if the league loads by tomorrow- in time for Monday.

And, a lot of work went into this thing this Spring getting ready. Drafting, players available list etc. Hours and hours. It'll go down the drain- I don't know if we can replace 2 or more managers. But, I as I said, I get it.[/quote:2ce03aabc5]

Terry, I hate that all the work that has been put in on this goes down the drain but I think you will have to agree that things move awfully slow in this league even going back to last year. I realize that owners have their jobs and family that comes first, but if one does not have the time to commit then he/she should step aside. I said this last year and got no response other than from Cubit. I have been in live drafts with Ineuluki before where his response was slow. I just feel that there is just 3 or 4 owners in this league that just do not have the time or either the commitment to participate. I do feel bad for those that have stayed on top of things and dedicated themselves to this league and with that being said I will be willing to go ahead and join the league as long as it is done so on timely fashion. If that can't be done then I will be moving on.
Thanks for all your hard work that you have done for the league.


I hope you will realize that we do, indeed, have schedules, and I know, all too well, how dreadful it can be to wait and wait for someone who seems to disappear, but I hope you will credit that I did not believe there was any doubt that I had posted here since I've been a most active proponent of this two-tiered league approach. One email from Marc brought the matter to my attention, and I acted immediately. I am very sorry if I seem to be the cause of your distress Marshall and I sincerely apologize to you for this.
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Postby Terry101 » Sat May 01, 2010 12:07 am

Great job guys.
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Roster glitch

Postby tcochran » Sun May 02, 2010 2:04 pm

When the draft occurred last night, there was a glitch in the rosters somehow.

Ironwill1 ended up with Callaspo and I ended up with Polanco -- when it's supposed to be the other way around.

Shall we just "trade" those 2 in the league and get back to where the rosters should be?
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Postby ironwill1 » Sun May 02, 2010 5:52 pm

I didn't end up with either of those guys. Hawk got Callaspo.
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