by dspeters5 » Fri May 07, 2010 5:57 am
I have been working with the Chicago Bulls for four years in regards to fitness ventures with the schools I teach at. The Bulls are VERY active in helping Chicago kids. They give millions of dollars away each year to schools, parks, boys and girls clubs. They are commited to improving fitness in Chicago youth.
Last week, upon visiting my two schools and interviewing our administrators, they decided to place in each of my two schools a 21st century fitness center for teens. Each school will receive $90,000 worth of exercise equipment, much of it will be exergaming bikes, big screen TV's. This room will be tricked out to appeal to digial natives. Playstations, laptops, as they interact with the fitness equipment. I am humbled by this gift. This is a dream come true. I have been a fitness nut, working out for over 45 years. I started lifting weights when I was 14, because of Charles Atlas magazine ad. Started designing workout programs for friends while I was still in high school, then as a college student. Wow! Of course right now, I am a husky old man, with a bad hip, but God still works.