I dont post much, but on this topic, I have to say something. I love the new format of seeing the free agent pool and players I used. I dont like the fact that during my Current Season...All the players I have used and cut show up during my season. Why? So other managers can make decisions based on what I do, it makes it easier for them.
I understand that some people might say to make it more competitive, but this is a Mystery card game right? I see the more experienced managers taking this to the next level. I think if I do a better job tracking and playing my team, I shouldn't be penalized for it. Dont get me wrong, posting these cuts and transactions after the season is great. But during the season.?
It's like playing Battleship (we all know this game.) The better you are at tracking things the better you are at sinking the battleship. Why take this away from us? During the season.
Qb Killer