Players' Championship 2010 now open

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Players' Championship 2010 now open

Postby bernieh » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:20 pm

Hey guys, at long last, [b:9f6e9a1367]the Players' Championship 2010 is officially open.[/b:9f6e9a1367]

Although it's encouraged that you add your name to [url=][b:9f6e9a1367]this signup thread[/b:9f6e9a1367][/url], please also take the more official route of emailing [b:9f6e9a1367][/b:9f6e9a1367] expressing your desire to participate, while including your member name and email address, so that the Commissioner has a master contact list in order to deliver important announcements to you.

Sorry for the long wait, everyone... this year we found ourselves suddenly without a Commissioner, and then since we filled the position, there have been complications. We expect to be clearing that up momentarily, as well as establishing firmer dates for the tournament.

Thanks for your patience! Here's to another great tourney!
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby thisisdan26 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:26 pm

There are now dates set for the Tour Events. We will see how many more signup this week and start Event 1 signups next week.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby bernieh » Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:30 pm


First of all, the Commissioner of the 2010 Players' Championship will be [b:b0df6d8049]thisisdan26[/b:b0df6d8049]. Welcome and thanks, Dan!

Second, the general timeline of tournament play has been posted on the official tourney page. Basically, Opening Day games for Event 1 are due to start on Monday, July 19, so that means [b:b0df6d8049]all participants must be signed up and in a filled tournament league by next Friday - that's Friday, July 16[/b:b0df6d8049].

Join the fight and have fun!
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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