by DOHowser1 » Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:31 pm
Born in Toronto Canada a long, long time ago. I am getting close to being as old as dirt.
Three absolutely wonderful kids, yup including the younger Howser, and 5 grandchildren. Love em all to bits.
Married to a Saint!
Moved to the USA back in the 90's, and love both Countries, Canada and the USA, equally, although when it comes to hockey, I am very loyal to my place of birth.
Realtor in Florida since coming here, but with the economy going down the drain, our business suffered greatly, and now I am spending most of my time day trading stocks, and trying to figure out my ATGV teams!
Favorite, Favourite in Canada, sports moment.....Touch em all Joe, you'll never hit a bigger one (sorry Gorshar) Blue Jays winning the World Series against Phillies.......AND, Canada winning Gold in Hockey in the last olympics.
I am with Litangel on wanting to do this again as soon as this draft is over with! Made some mistakes and hopefully will learn from them.
Doug, the elder Howser