2010 Player's Championship News

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:53 pm

[quote:02465f5c78]However, the tournaments in the past 3 or so years have all run into April and May, which means they have also continued through the release of new card sets. [/quote:02465f5c78]

Yeah, and almost everyone looses interests in the Finals since the last couple of yours.

Are there such a majority in favor of 5 events+semis+finals lasting until May 2011, instead of playing 4 events+ semis in november + Finals in January?

I hope it is not simply TSN pushing for more profits? Maybe penngray was right, after all!!
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:59 pm

[quote:f607568615]All that being said, I will talk to Bernie about everyone's concerns and see if there is anything that can be done as far as scratching an Event or making up time somewhere. [/quote:f607568615]

Actually, you are the commish, you should take the decision. The Tour is something for the players, by the players. We understand that TSN takes a share of the profit in the turn, and we appreciate them giving the price and providing the service, but at the end of the day, it's about what we want, when we want it, and you making sure that all voices are heard and be the leadership.

My 0.02$, in any case.
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Postby dadnsam » Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:33 pm

Last year Cummings shortened the tourney to 5 events and said the goal was to start this years tourney shortly after the release of the new game.

I would like to see the tourney shortened this year with the goal of getting started earlier next year (ideally right after the new game starts). If we could accomplish that I would love to see it go back to 6 or 7 events like it used to be.
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:32 pm

I agree we should not be shooting for what happened the last 2 or 3 Tours. As dadnsam points out, they weren't originally planned that way. Those late finishes were not a good thing.

This year's Tour is the latest by far...even last year, the first leagues drafted in mid-May. I'm not sure it's even worth the effort, especially if the finals aren't going to start until after the new cards come out, again.

Go back to the last year the Tour was actually planned on schedule, and not only did the finals get underway before the new cards came out, there were 7 events, including live drafts (real ones, the slow kind, on the SOMdraft site).

I've lucked into the finals the last 2 years. Even the 12 finalists (including me) didn't seem very into it, due to the distraction of the new cards and all the new leagues forming.

I was also in an earlier finals ('06 Tour). It started before the new cards came out. It was like a totally different experience...lots more fun and way more worth the effort it took to get there. The finalists seemed much more into it, the finals thread was way more active, with lots more trades, negotiations and good-humored trash talk, and there was even considerable interest from the community at large, virtually nonexistent these last years with the late starts.

I'd vote for eliminating an event, or whatever it takes, to make sure the finals are at least underway before the new cards arrive.

Ideally, I agree the tour should start in March or April, with plenty of time to get in as many events as desired, plus FINISH the finals and crown the old champ before the new cards come out. Waiting until next year's season to crown last year's champ has never made sense to me.
Last edited by mesquiton on Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:15 pm

Very good points from everyone...[b:4bd9d3108a]we will eliminate one event[/b:4bd9d3108a] then and for next years Tour we will start soon after the cards are released.

Now as far as which event to eliminate...

Even though there are two 80 mill Events, I would like to keep it that way since it is THE standard league and most popular.

I am thinking along the lines of eliminating the No DH league. Although it does require a different strategy, I believe that the $60 mill and $100 mill require much more of a knowledge of the game and especially the cards from the set.

Like marcus wilby said, this is a tournament for the players, by the players, so lets hear all of the input on the matter please!
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:20 pm

Sounds good to me...and thanks for being Commish! :D
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Postby WJS6768 » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:32 pm

Thanks for being the commish.

I really don't see the big deal if the tourny runs into next March. Nobody is going to complain if they are one of the final 12 next Feb or March. There is no reason to cancel an event. Is it really that difficult to put together and follow that team even if the new season comes out? This is not brain surgery. Please keep all events. Thanks again!
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:40 pm

[quote:2cae0ac079="WJS6768"]Thanks for being the commish.

I really don't see the big deal if the tourny runs into next March. Nobody is going to complain if they are one of the final 12 next Feb or March. There is no reason to cancel an event. Is it really that difficult to put together and follow that team even if the new season comes out? This is not brain surgery. Please keep all events. Thanks again![/quote:2cae0ac079]

Right now, if we keep on the schedule that is drawn up and the finals started 2 weeks after the Semis ended...we are looking at the 4th week on May for an end date, which would mean that next years Tour would not start until, at the earliest, 3rd week in June. That would already put us behind the clock for the 2011 Tour IF we wanted to make it a full 6 event championship again, which I think is what it should be.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:51 am

Just an FYI:

Last year in order to save time, league info/password (to each league) was simply posted here on the boards and people joined the leagues without posting their name to each individual leagues here on the boards.

I almost can guarantee it will take (much) longer having everyone just sign-up here for leagues, then go load their teams later.

I highly suggest doing it the way we did last year.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:31 am

Sounds good, we will do that then. Should be a lot quicker like you said
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